Just be a watcher, a witness. Witness is highest growth of consciousness. If there is no witnessing and we indulge in events we are in dark night of soul. Waking mode of mind looks so real and tangible to us and we never doubt events in waking mode and the entity which sees the events. Doubt is part of dark night, but it is a search for rising Sun, but once you have reached the rising Sun, dark night goes and with it doubt too. Self-inquiry is doubting the seer, the "me," the ego, the self. Once you know doubt, ego commits suicide on its own accord. Doubt that is written in scripture,...
Just be a watcher, a witness. Witness is highest growth of consciousness. If there is no witnessing and we indulge in events we are in dark night of s...
La conciencia es un reflejo puro. Si se presenta ante el mundo objetivo lo que refleja son los objetos. Si se pone ante el mundo interior subjetivo, refleja el movimiento del sujeto. Cuando la mente refleja el mundo objetivo, se llama conciencia objetiva o mente dirigida hacia afuera. Para esto es fundamental el complemento del pensamiento para ver la realidad objetiva. Para que la mente tenga en cuenta el movimiento de si mismo, se requiere una mente interiorizada, sin la interferencia del pensamiento como memoria psicologica que distorsiona la vision de los contenidos de la mente. Asi que...
La conciencia es un reflejo puro. Si se presenta ante el mundo objetivo lo que refleja son los objetos. Si se pone ante el mundo interior subjetivo, r...
Self-knowledge is the foundation of life. Without it life will be in turmoil. If there is no self-knowledge we are bound to act from a psychological center woven by thought and so limited and results in limited action if we act from that center and so it leaves an impression called which knocks our door for resolution. This limited action results in experience of non-understanding. Such collection of experiences which cause problems is called ego and at present we are functioning from which adds further experiences. Experiences and so ego is dead past. We are facing living present moment...
Self-knowledge is the foundation of life. Without it life will be in turmoil. If there is no self-knowledge we are bound to act from a psychological c...