A Rambler's tour of the famous French resort of Biarritz situated on the Atlantic coastline of Europe. The tour explores the many reasons behind the growth of Biarritz including the area's historical links with Newfoundland, Labrador, Canada and includes diary notes, colour photographs plus Canadian-based research about its Basque - Newfoundland, Labrador, whaling and cod-fishing heritage.] Japanese Edition]
A Rambler's tour of the famous French resort of Biarritz situated on the Atlantic coastline of Europe. The tour explores the many reasons behind the g...
Eine fahrt mit dem heibluftballon uber Bristol einschlieblich vierzig panorama, farbfotos. Unter -off in den fruhen morgenstunden von Ashton Court Estate, im westen der stadt und landung in der nahe Pucklechurch im osten. Unser flug dauerte etwa 1 stunde und war wunderbar preis-leistungs-verhaltnis. Viele sehenswurdigkeiten und interessante features (einschlieblich Clives spitometer ) Deutsch Auflage]
Eine fahrt mit dem heibluftballon uber Bristol einschlieblich vierzig panorama, farbfotos. Unter -off in den fruhen morgenstunden von Ashton Court Est...
Un tour en montgolfiere au-dessus de Bristol dont quarante panoramiques, photos en couleurs. Decollage en debut de matinee de Ashton Court Estate, a l'ouest de la ville et a l'atterrissage pres de Pucklechurch a l'est. Notre vol a dure environ 1 heure et c'etait merveilleux rapport qualite-prix. De nombreuses attractions touristiques et des caracteristiques interessantes (y compris la spitometer de Clive ) Edition Francaise]
Un tour en montgolfiere au-dessus de Bristol dont quarante panoramiques, photos en couleurs. Decollage en debut de matinee de Ashton Court Estate, a l...
Un giro in mongolfiera sopra Bristol, tra cui una quarantina di fotografie a colori panoramiche. Il decollo la mattina presto da Ashton Court Estate, a ovest della citta e di atterraggio vicino Pucklechurch a est. Il nostro volo e durato circa 1 ora ed e stato meraviglioso rapporto qualita- prezzo. Molte attrazioni turistiche e caratteristiche interessanti (tra cui spitometer di Clive ) Edizione Italiano]
Un giro in mongolfiera sopra Bristol, tra cui una quarantina di fotografie a colori panoramiche. Il decollo la mattina presto da Ashton Court Estate, ...
Un paseo en globo aerostatico sobre Bristol incluyendo cuarenta, fotografias en color panoramicas. Despegue en la madrugada de Ashton Court Estate, al oeste de la ciudad y el aterrizaje cerca de Pucklechurch al este. Nuestro vuelo duro alrededor de 1 hora y fue maravilloso relacion calidad-precio. Muchas de las atracciones turisticas y las caracteristicas interesantes ( incluyendo spitometer de Clive ) Spanish Edition]
Un paseo en globo aerostatico sobre Bristol incluyendo cuarenta, fotografias en color panoramicas. Despegue en la madrugada de Ashton Court Estate, al...
Um passeio de balao de ar quente sobre Bristol incluindo quarenta fotografias panoramicas, cor tomando off no inicio da manha de Ashton Court Estate, a oeste da cidade e pouso perto Pucklechurch para o leste. Nosso voo durou cerca de 1 hora e foi maravilhoso value-for-money. Muitas atracoes turisticas e as caracteristicas interessantes (incluindo spitometer de Clive ) Portugese Edition]
Um passeio de balao de ar quente sobre Bristol incluindo quarenta fotografias panoramicas, cor tomando off no inicio da manha de Ashton Court Estate, ...
A aire beroa balloon Bristol gorako martxa berrogei panoramikoa, koloretako argazkiak barne. Ari Ashton Auzitegi Higiezinen tik goizaldean, hiria eta lurreratzea Pucklechurch gertu ekialdetik mendebaldera. Gure hegaldi ordu 1 inguru iraun zuen, eta zoragarria izan zen, balio - dirua. Askok turismo erakargarri eta interesgarria ezaugarriak (Clive en spitometer barne ) Basque Edition]
A aire beroa balloon Bristol gorako martxa berrogei panoramikoa, koloretako argazkiak barne. Ari Ashton Auzitegi Higiezinen tik goizaldean, hiria eta ...
A hot air balloon ride over Bristol including forty panoramic, colour photographs. Taking-off in the early morning from Ashton Court Estate, west of the city and landing near Pucklechurch to the east. Our flight lasted for about 1 hour and was wonderful value-for-money. Many tourist attractions and interesting features (including Clive's spitometer ) were seen from the balloon's basket as we peacefully floated along on the gentle winds. Chinese Edition]
A hot air balloon ride over Bristol including forty panoramic, colour photographs. Taking-off in the early morning from Ashton Court Estate, west of t...
A hot air balloon ride over Bristol including forty panoramic, colour photographs. Taking-off in the early morning from Ashton Court Estate, west of the city and landing near Pucklechurch to the east. Our flight lasted for about 1 hour and was wonderful value-for-money. Many tourist attractions and interesting features (including Clive's spitometer ) were seen from the balloon's basket as we peacefully floated along on the gentle winds. Japanese Edition]
A hot air balloon ride over Bristol including forty panoramic, colour photographs. Taking-off in the early morning from Ashton Court Estate, west of t...
Aerial photographs and tourist attractions of Bristol, England, (Great Britain) United Kingdom taken on 5 August 2011 (Front Cover view of the Floating Harbour, Bristol City Centre looking in a south-easterly direction.) Tourist Attractions Ashton Court Estate Country Park and Mansion (850 acres of woodland and grassland offers ballooning, the International Bristol Balloon Fiesta, International Kite Festival, deer park, golf courses, horse riding, market, miniature railway, mountain biking, orienteering and 5 kilometre runs around the estate) pages 12-16] Avon Gorge (rises about 100 metres...
Aerial photographs and tourist attractions of Bristol, England, (Great Britain) United Kingdom taken on 5 August 2011 (Front Cover view of the Floatin...