Port Hope Simpson Historic Skovbrug Town i Canada ligger pp den sydlige side af Alexis, en fremragende lakseelv i det sydlige Labrador. Det blev oprindeligt grundlagt i 1934 som en logning lejr og blev opkaldt efter den engelske kommissaer for Naturressourcer og Fungerende - kommissaer for retlige anliggender, Sir John Hope Simpson. Dette faellesskab har store naturvaerdier i naerheden. Shinneys Water Complex udgor 2.500 kvadratkilometer af over 1000 oer, stiger dramatisk over havets overflade. Disse beskyttede farvande er ideelle til alle typer af sejlads. Labrador Coastal Drive, Route 510...
Port Hope Simpson Historic Skovbrug Town i Canada ligger pp den sydlige side af Alexis, en fremragende lakseelv i det sydlige Labrador. Det blev oprin...
Port Hope Simpson Stairiula Logging Town i Ceanada suite ar an taobh o dheas den Alexis, ar abhainn bradan den scoth i Labrador theas. Bunaiodh e ar dtus i 1934 mar champa logail isteach agus bhi ainmnithe i ndiaidh an Coimisineir Bearla Acmhainni Nadurtha agus Gniomhu ar Leibheal Coimisineir Dli agus Cirt, Sir John Hope Simpson. Ta an pobal socmhainni nadurtha mora in aice laimhe. Deanann Coimpleasc Uisce Shinneys suas 2,500 cilimeadar cearnach de nios mo na 1000 oilean ag ardu mor tagtha ar os cionn leibheal na farraige. Ta na huisci cosanta iontach do gach cineal de badoireachta. An Costa...
Port Hope Simpson Stairiula Logging Town i Ceanada suite ar an taobh o dheas den Alexis, ar abhainn bradan den scoth i Labrador theas. Bunaiodh e ar d...
Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includes a brief log and a day visit to The Rock of Gibraltar.) A wide range of topics are covered in alphabetical order including an interesting history of the Growth of Torremolinos as a major tourist destination. From a small peaceful agricultural, fishing and flour producing village of 30,000 inhabitants in 1920 to the place of today that caters for about 250,000 tourists in peak season. Chinese Edition]
Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includ...
Ein Rambler tour des beruhmten Franzosisch badeort Biarritz an der Atlantikkuste Europas. Die tour erkundet die vielen grunde fur das wachstum von Biarritz mit historischen verbindungen der region mit Neufundland, Labrador, Kanada und umfasst tagebuchnotizen, farb fotos sowie in Kanada ansassige forschung uber seine Basque - Neufundland, Labrador, whaling and cod-fishing erbe. German Edition]
Ein Rambler tour des beruhmten Franzosisch badeort Biarritz an der Atlantikkuste Europas. Die tour erkundet die vielen grunde fur das wachstum von Bia...
A turne do Rambler da famosa estancia Francesa de Biarritz situada na costa Atlantica da Europa. A turne explora as muitas razoes por tras do crescimento de Biarritz incluindo lacos historicos da regiao com Newfoundland, Labrador, Canada e inclui notas de diario, fotografias coloridas, alem de pesquisa com sede no Canada sobre o seu Catalao - Terra Nova, Labrador, Baleeira e do patrimonio de pesca do bacalhau] Portugues Edition]
A turne do Rambler da famosa estancia Francesa de Biarritz situada na costa Atlantica da Europa. A turne explora as muitas razoes por tras do crescime...
A Rambler's tour of the famous French resort of Biarritz situated on the Atlantic coastline of Europe. The tour explores the many reasons behind the growth of Biarritz including the area's historical links with Newfoundland, Labrador, Canada and includes diary notes, colour photographs plus Canadian-based research about its Basque - Newfoundland, Labrador, whaling and cod-fishing heritage.] Chinese Edition]
A Rambler's tour of the famous French resort of Biarritz situated on the Atlantic coastline of Europe. The tour explores the many reasons behind the g...