Les Technologies de l Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont omnipresentes dans nos societes. Elles amenent a echanger des donnees tout le temps, ou on se trouve et comme jamais. Ce constat justifie a lui seul cet ouvrage collectif qui se propose d interroger la communication electronique. Vingt-neuf chercheurs ont ainsi participe a la redaction des vingt-trois chapitres en francais et en anglais de ce volume, que Christian Licoppe preface en se questionnant logiquement: Peut-on mettre la communication electronique en question ? Les chapitres ne constituent pas des reponses mais...
Les Technologies de l Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont omnipresentes dans nos societes. Elles amenent a echanger des donnees tout le temp...
Whether they are citizens or political, client or company, learner or teacher, men now converse with a variety of stakeholders by using ICT. All these electronic tools promote uses and practices which give them considerable power of speech, strong freedom of expression and choice. So each of us participates actively, wherever we are and whenever we want, in the construction of -new intermediate spaces- making permeable classical border from public to private space. All this justifies this collective work that proposes to examine electronic communication from various angles. Thus,...
Whether they are citizens or political, client or company, learner or teacher, men now converse with a variety of stakeholders by using ICT. All these...