An apt description of my life would be a tattered masterpiece of jobs and careers that should have worked, but never did. It has been the pursuit of creativity wherever I could find it, interspersed with necessary occupations that included everything from naval aviator, government executive and gallery owner to salesman, bartender and truck driver - to name only a few. None of my many jobs, however, came close to providing the passion and fulfillment I received from art and writing. One Helluva Life begins with my enlistment in the Navy in 1965 and a tour flying F4B Phantom II fighter/bombers...
An apt description of my life would be a tattered masterpiece of jobs and careers that should have worked, but never did. It has been the pursuit of c...
Lensfogger's BEST -A Super-Hero's Collection of Humor, Satire and Short Stories As the name implies, Lensfogger's BEST is a collection of twenty-one works. Some are just frivolous, but most are intended to entertain and impart a message or two. A few are intensely serious based on the author's experiences. The many voices of the renowned photo/journalist, Dodger Lensfogger, narrate our way through this magnificent journey. Every super-hero has an alter-ego. Dodger Lensfogger is no different, except that he has multiple identities and speaks with many voices. Dodger's characters routinely...
Lensfogger's BEST -A Super-Hero's Collection of Humor, Satire and Short Stories As the name implies, Lensfogger's BEST is a collection of twenty-one w...