This book is a guide for managers, Scrum Masters and agile coaches who are interested in agile organizational methods and who are planning to introduce Scrum at their own company. Scrum is not only a product development framework but can also be used to structure activities for agile and lean organizational development.
Divided into five major parts, the book first introduces and defines the Scrum Culture. It explains its relevance, highlights a number of pain points typical for first encounters with Scrum, and embeds it in an introduction to organizational change. This is...
This book is a guide for managers, Scrum Masters and agile coaches who are interested in agile organizational methods and who are planning to intro...
This book is a guide for managers, Scrum Masters and agile coaches who are interested in agile organizational methods and who are planning to introduce Scrum at their own company.
This book is a guide for managers, Scrum Masters and agile coaches who are interested in agile organizational methods and who are planning to introduc...
This book illustrates the agile transformation journey of a consulting organization. It consists of nine main chapters, each focusing on specific aspects of transformation. These include establishing value in business, holistic recruitment and retention, innovating performance appraisals, rethinking organizational structure, redesigning leadership roles, streamlining measurement and reward systems, and improving career paths. Some specific processes, such as corporate decision making, SMILE (budget for business improvement at employee discretion), project selection, holiday leave, and career...
This book illustrates the agile transformation journey of a consulting organization. It consists of nine main chapters, each focusing on specific aspe...
Ungefähr 94% aller Unternehmen setzen heute bereits agile Methoden ein. Das ist kaum verwunderlich, denn Agilität kann die Performance eines Unternehmens erheblich verbessern und nur Unternehmen, die agil aufgestellt sind, werden dem Veränderungsdruck des 21. Jahrhunderts standhalten können. Getragen wird eine agile Kultur durch die Menschen, die sie leben, also zum Beispiel Scrum Master, Kanban Master, Agile Coaches, Release Train Engineers, agile Projektleiter und disziplinarische Führungskräfte oder People Leads. Diese Personen müssen zu Agile Mastern werden, um ihre Aufgaben...
Ungefähr 94% aller Unternehmen setzen heute bereits agile Methoden ein. Das ist kaum verwunderlich, denn Agilität kann die Performance eines Unterne...