Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Jura - Offentliches Recht / Staatsrecht / Grundrechte, Note: 1,25, Thuringer Fachhochschule fur offentliche Verwaltung, 45 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Beim Handeln der Polizei handelt es sich vielmals um eilbedurftiges Handeln. Es wird oft gefordert, dass Manahmen sofort und auch gegen nicht anwesende Personen getroffen werden. Im Thuringer Polizeirecht sind fur solche Falle des Einschreitens der Polizei in Eilfallen zwei unterschiedliche Moglichkeiten normiert. Zum ersten im 9 PAG die unmittelbare Ausfuhrung einer...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Jura - Offentliches Recht / Staatsrecht / Grundrechte, Note: 1,25, Thuringer Fachhochschule fur offentli...
The book introduces the reader to game-changing ways of building and utilizing Internet-based services related to design and manufacture activities through the cloud. In a broader sense, CBDM refers to a new product realization model that enables collective open innovation and rapid product development with minimum costs through social networking and negotiation platforms between service providers and consumers. It is a type of parallel and distributed system consisting of a collection of inter-connected physical and virtualized service pools of design and manufacturing resources as well as...
The book introduces the reader to game-changing ways of building and utilizing Internet-based services related to design and manufacture activities th...
This book provides a broad overview of a number of game-changing paradigms that are anticipated to reshape 21st century product development. Topics including cloud computing-based design, cloud manufacturing, crowd-sourcing and mass collaboration, open source and social product development will be discussed in the context of advanced distributed and collaborative product creation. The purpose of the book is threefold: (1) to provide decision makers in industry with a solid base for strategic design and manufacturing-related process re-organization; (2) to provide researchers and scientist...
This book provides a broad overview of a number of game-changing paradigms that are anticipated to reshape 21st century product development. Topics in...
The book introduces the reader to game-changing ways of building and utilizing Internet-based services related to design and manufacture activities through the cloud.
The book introduces the reader to game-changing ways of building and utilizing Internet-based services related to design and manufacture activities th...