The demonstration of the basic brain mechanism through studying the partially commissure-sectioned case appears to be a most prom ising enterprise. The work with animals of HAMILTON and others in elucidating psychological brain process heretofore not imagined are mere indications of what the potential seems to be. Study of the partially disconnected patient seems equally revealing and productive in showing how many high level cognitive activities are managed in the cerebral flow of information. With respect to the issue of localization of function, it would seem clear that those cerebral...
The demonstration of the basic brain mechanism through studying the partially commissure-sectioned case appears to be a most prom ising enterprise. Th...
This symposium on cerebral and coronary vascular disorders and infarcts is probably the first attempt to hold a joint discussion in this field. Despite many difficulties we feel that it has been successful and we hope that it will stimulate further interest and investigations. To hold such a meeting with scientists from far away was possible only with the assistance of Bundesminister fUr Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit, Minister fUr Hissenschaft und Forschung des Lan- des Nordrhein-Westfalen, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften e.V., Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, to...
This symposium on cerebral and coronary vascular disorders and infarcts is probably the first attempt to hold a joint discussion in this field. Despit...
Dr. Kaufmann and I wish to welcome you here in Schloss Auel to this second symposium on brain and heart infarct. We have chosen this lovely castle because I am always dissatisfied with meetings in great hotels in cities, where we rush to and from the meeting rooms. I had such an experience overseas just 3 weeks ago from 8 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock at night. We want you to feel some of the wonderful atmosphere of the Bergisches La d. Moreover, we wanted like you to enjoy a bit of the spirit of the Rhein valley and the 2000-year-old city of Cologne, even at the expense of losing a...
Dr. Kaufmann and I wish to welcome you here in Schloss Auel to this second symposium on brain and heart infarct. We have chosen this lovely castle bec...
The third American edition has been completely revised and expanded, although parts of the text of the second edition have been included. I wish to acknowledge once again the excellent translation of the former two editions by Dr. ALAN B. ROTHBALLER and the late Dr. JERZY OLSZEWSKI. With this edition I have followed the general theme of the original German edition published in 1951. However, I have tried to consider modern techniques and the many new publications on the subject of brain tumors. Meanwhile, an early desire of mine has been fulfilled by the completion and publication of a...
The third American edition has been completely revised and expanded, although parts of the text of the second edition have been included. I wish to ac...