Birds & Bibles in History is the most comprehensive scientific study of the birds mentioned in Christian Bibles ever. It is the result of author Tian Hattingh being both a Biblical Hebrew student and an amateur ornithologist. It was completed over a twelve year period which included a number of in loco visits to Israel. He investigated all 409 references to birds mentioned in Christian Bibles, ensuring that the original Hebrew and Greek texts are reproduced as accurately as possible. Part 1 covers the development of Ornithology from ancient times to this day. It focuses on the Biblical...
Birds & Bibles in History is the most comprehensive scientific study of the birds mentioned in Christian Bibles ever. It is the result of author Tian ...
Birds & Bibles in History is the most comprehensive scientific study of the birds mentioned in Christian Bibles ever. It is the result of author Tian Hattingh being both a Biblical Hebrew student and an amateur ornithologist. It was completed over a twelve year period which included a number of in loco visits to Israel. He investigated all 409 references to birds mentioned in Christian Bibles, ensuring that the original Hebrew and Greek texts are reproduced as accurately as possible. Part 1 covers the development of Ornithology from ancient times to this day. It focuses on the Biblical...
Birds & Bibles in History is the most comprehensive scientific study of the birds mentioned in Christian Bibles ever. It is the result of author Tian ...
Voels en Bybels in die Geskiedenis het tot stand gekom omdat die skrywer Tian Hattingh beide 'n student van Bybelse Hebreeus en 'n amateur voelkundige is. Na 'n aantal besoeke aan die Heilige Land is hy geinspireer om die voels in die Christelike Bybels te bestudeer. Tian se interessante ontdekkings, tesame met sy begeerte om die kennis met 'n wyer gehoor te deel, het uitgeloop op die publikasie van Voels en Bybels in die Geskiedenis."
Voels en Bybels in die Geskiedenis het tot stand gekom omdat die skrywer Tian Hattingh beide 'n student van Bybelse Hebreeus en 'n amateur voelkundige...
Voels en Bybels in die Geskiedenis het tot stand gekom omdat die skrywer Tian Hattingh beide 'n student van Bybelse Hebreeus en 'n amateur voelkundige is. Na 'n aantal besoeke aan die Heilige Land is hy geinspireer om die voels in die Christelike Bybels te bestudeer. Tian se interessante ontdekkings, tesame met sy begeerte om die kennis met 'n wyer gehoor te deel, het uitgeloop op die publikasie van Voels en Bybels in die Geskiedenis.
Voels en Bybels in die Geskiedenis het tot stand gekom omdat die skrywer Tian Hattingh beide 'n student van Bybelse Hebreeus en 'n amateur voelkundige...