Based on Spolskys (1989)Model of second Language Learning, the social context plays an important role in developing the set of attitudes towards the target language, its speakers, and the language learning situation resulting in motivation development. The resultant motivation connects with other personal characteristics such as age, personality,capabilities and previous or background knowledge. Bernard Spolsky (1989)claims that all of these variables explain and are responsible for the use learners make out of available learning opportunities. Learning opportunities by themselves interplay...
Based on Spolskys (1989)Model of second Language Learning, the social context plays an important role in developing the set of attitudes towards the t...
Education and Extremisms addresses one of the most pressing questions facing societies today: how is education to respond to the challenge of extremism? It argues that the implementation of new teaching techniques, curricular reforms or top-down changes to education policy alone cannot solve the problem of extremism in educational establishments across the world. Instead, the authors of this thought-provoking volume argue that there is a need for those concerned with radicalisation to reconsider the relationship between instrumentalist ideologies shaping education and the multiple...
Education and Extremisms addresses one of the most pressing questions facing societies today: how is education to respond to the challenge...