Check Your Retirement Income Now Do you have a plan for retirement? Will you live somewhere new? What is your unplanned medical costs strategy? Will you support your children or they support you? Do you have an investment strategy for 30 years? Is your advisor/broker old enough to help you? Will inflation, taxes and fees destroy your future income? If you have not answered these questions BEFORE retirement, how do you know you can maintain your lifestyle for 30 years? Don't use -Alternative Facts.- You must visualize your retirement NOW. If you plan now, you can add an extra 25% to 50% to...
Check Your Retirement Income Now Do you have a plan for retirement? Will you live somewhere new? What is your unplanned medical costs strategy? Will y...
Your family beats Wall Street in the series Billy Beane did the impossible. He knew he could not afford to buy replacements for Damon, Giambi and Isringhousen, so he hired a unknown Yale economist wonk who had a system. Brad Pitt (Moneyball) explains his take on the system to his scouts. To win we need runs, so on-base percentage is critical. Does not matter how they get there-walks are good. He hires new players who have high ratios. Scouts complain the new are not "baseball material" or too old or can't play positions or girl friend is ugly. The "professionals" think he is nuts. One is...
Your family beats Wall Street in the series Billy Beane did the impossible. He knew he could not afford to buy replacements for Damon, Giambi and Isri...