Save $3,000 using our Tricks Save $3,000 a year-mutual funds, securities, insurance, etc. Buy online-skip the "middle-people" markup. Buy only what you need-with discounts. Use a Tax-FREE account-never pay taxes. You can save on all your financial needs by using the same quality providers we do as industry insiders. You don't pay retail. You get the highest quality products and services without the middleman markup. You learn about the discounts and the extras that provide little to you but cost a lot. Savvy buyers of all ages are shopping for almost everything online FIRST. Eventually, they...
Save $3,000 using our Tricks Save $3,000 a year-mutual funds, securities, insurance, etc. Buy online-skip the "middle-people" markup. Buy only what yo...
Build your own $2,000,000 Wealth ReserveTM. Maintain your "lifestyle" before and after retirement. Retire with $160,000 annual income with NO income tax. Social Security will exhaust its funds in about 2037. Most workers retire with less than $100,000 for retirement. The largest asset owned is a personal residence. Social Security is the major source of income for retirees. The average benefit is $1,076 per month--$12,912 a year Washington has proved that the guarantees of the past are done. Where will your income come from when they cut the benefits you have paid for already? Employer...
Build your own $2,000,000 Wealth ReserveTM. Maintain your "lifestyle" before and after retirement. Retire with $160,000 annual income with NO income t...
Active investor/speculators earned only 2.56% annually, 1990-2010, (QAIB) DALBARinccom. Active traders are successful only 20% of the time. Brokerage clients earned NEGATIVE 2.26% a year 1997-2001 when they followed the firm's advice. Inactive investors earned 11.8% annually over the long-term.* Inactive investors paid an average of 0.21% in fees and $0 commissions annually. *See Chapter 1 for my choices. "Low-cost funds beat high-cost funds in every single time period and data point tested." Morningstar Your financial health may not be good right now. Your gut is telling you to sell all your...
Active investor/speculators earned only 2.56% annually, 1990-2010, (QAIB) DALBARinccom. Active traders are successful only 20% of the time. Brokerage ...
Create Your $2,000,000 Wealth ReserveTM from $250 a month -invest premium: self-insure some risks at a lower premium, -invest interest: self-fund purchases without paying interest, -take income: $160,000 a year for life at retirement, without paying commissions, fees or loads to agents, bankers, brokers, or money managers. Contributions of $120,000 becomes $2,000,000 Unfortunately, high school does not teach us what we REALLY know about building wealth. The financial services industry, my industry, would have you believe that only their salespeople can build wealth for you . . . for a fee, of...
Create Your $2,000,000 Wealth ReserveTM from $250 a month -invest premium: self-insure some risks at a lower premium, -invest interest: self-fund purc...
Long-term care insurance is expensive Insurers keep raising rates Almost a third of owners have to stop paying Most of us will never need it There are better alternatives Do Not Buy a LTCi policy before you compare alternatives LTCi policies average about $2,500 a year but they don't cover the full cost of care-averaging $87,235. Most sellers recommend starting before age 65 while we are still healthy and insurable but we will pay more. Like all disability insurance, we are paying for something that we may not need at all. Unlike the cost of a major medical operation covered by our...
Long-term care insurance is expensive Insurers keep raising rates Almost a third of owners have to stop paying Most of us will never need it There ar...
Save 40% on all your purchases You can save $3,000 a year on the financials you buy now-mutual funds, insurance, securities, vehicles, home, education. Wealthy people save all the time: That is how they stay wealthy. They save 40% on all their purchases. They put some money to work in the market FIRST; then spend it. We all should do that Each of their $100 investment checks turns into $1500 over time. They pay $27,000 for their $50,000 vehicle; $450,000 for their $650,000 homes. They use the compounded cash their investments earn. Their money compounds over time. When the rich put their...
Save 40% on all your purchases You can save $3,000 a year on the financials you buy now-mutual funds, insurance, securities, vehicles, home, education...