...Most of us are overpaying for insurance, investments, taxes, etc ...We "waste" our $3,000 tax refund each year. ...We could be building assets to insure our "lifestyle." ...We could use an IRS 408 trust for tax-FREE income. ...Each $3,000 invested is worth $100,000 eventually Most of us waste our largest savings amount: our tax refund, average $3,022 a year. Most of us waste more than $3,000 every year on financial products and services. If we invested that $3,000 a year, we could have all the assets we need to protect our families and futures using a tax-FREE trust. Every year that we...
...Most of us are overpaying for insurance, investments, taxes, etc ...We "waste" our $3,000 tax refund each year. ...We could be building assets to i...
DEGREESUse your Investing Plan to Go Tax-FREE DEGREES$9 a day grows to $55,000, $400,000, $1,000,000 over time DEGREESOne hour to set up a tax-FREE trust at no cost DEGREESAccumulate $1,000,000 with NO taxes-EVER DEGREES DEGREESAvoid the greatest killer of wealth-TAXES DEGREES DEGREES You can Go Tax-FREE, accumulating $1,000,000 free of tax over time. All it takes is following your Investing Plan. When you need money, it will be FREE of income tax. You can take money out for emergencies and retirement income. You avoid paying tax on your money's growth. Unlike other investment accounts, your...
DEGREESUse your Investing Plan to Go Tax-FREE DEGREES$9 a day grows to $55,000, $400,000, $1,000,000 over time DEGREESOne hour to set up a tax-FREE tr...
++Most of us are overpaying for insurance, investments, taxes, etc ++We "waste" our $3,022 tax refund each year. ++We can build assets to insure our future. ++We can use a special account for tax-FREE income. ++Each $3,000 invested is worth $100,000 eventually Without a Spending Plan, we will fail to accomplish our family goals. A Spending Plan can help us pay 40% less for the things we want-new home, car, addition, vacation, and comfortable retirement. We can have $50,000 to pay for the kids' college expenses. We can have $1 million in our retirement account. Few of us have actually sat down...
++Most of us are overpaying for insurance, investments, taxes, etc ++We "waste" our $3,022 tax refund each year. ++We can build assets to insure our f...