This edited volume offers a holistic picture of self-initiated expatriation and the groups that pursue it, emphasizing many aspects for departure including career development and career capital.
This edited volume offers a holistic picture of self-initiated expatriation and the groups that pursue it, emphasizing many aspects for departure incl...
Diese Arbeit wurde 2004 mit dem Wissenschaftspreis der Freunde und Forderer der Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat/Universitat der Bundeswehr Hamburg e.V. ausgezeichnet. Insbesondere seit den 90er Jahren wird den als Corporate University (CU) bezeichneten firmeneigenen Lerninstitutionen eine hohe Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, die v.a. auf ihre vielfach propagierte stutzende Rolle im Rahmen des strategischen Managements zuruckgefuhrt werden kann. Unklar blieb jedoch in der praktischen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion, was konkret unter einer CU verstanden wird und wie mit ihrer Hilfe eine...
Diese Arbeit wurde 2004 mit dem Wissenschaftspreis der Freunde und Forderer der Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat/Universitat der Bundeswehr Hamburg e.V. ...
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing effective means to manage HR and specific suggestions aimed at facilitating the measurement of HR practices' impact on value creation. Evidence-based recommendations are made by drawing on thorough empirical research from various research traditions and academic disciplines. It covers a wide variety of tasks faced by the HR function and specifically addresses new challenges such as assessing the added value of work-life balance practices.
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing...
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing effective means to manage HR and specific suggestions aimed at facilitating the measurement of HR practices' impact on value creation.
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing...