In Laws and Play Cousins is a coming of age story that follows the lives of four friends, their careers and relationships over a span of eighteen years. During their childhood, one of the parents accidentally kills her husband and is incarcerated. Rocky romances and spurned relationships cause them to periodically refer back to the incident as they try to maintain emotional control of their lives. One of the girls, Nubia, becomes a successful screen writer and director with a volatile love life. While in college she is robbed and taken advantage of by a lover. Later she writes a screenplay...
In Laws and Play Cousins is a coming of age story that follows the lives of four friends, their careers and relationships over a span of eighteen year...
A young boy has difficulty deciding what he wants to be when he grows up. A visit to the police station, his church and a baseball game helps him to decide.
A young boy has difficulty deciding what he wants to be when he grows up. A visit to the police station, his church and a baseball game helps him to d...