El Padre Gabriel Infante, un santo carismatico, tiene que pasar por una prueba de fidelidad, sin darse cuenta de que su alma inmortal se encuentra en peligro. Satanas, padre de toda mentira, trae a la que fuera novia de Gabriel en la preparatoria, Theresa Reynolds, quien se convirtio en hermana religiosa despues de haber desaparecido de su vida veinte anos atras. El sacerdote pugilista se pasa sus dias llenos de accion predicando el amor, la justicia y el perdon, aliviando enfermos, convirtiendo pecadores, expulsando demonios y hasta reviviendo muertos. Se vuelve a enamorar de Theresa y desea...
El Padre Gabriel Infante, un santo carismatico, tiene que pasar por una prueba de fidelidad, sin darse cuenta de que su alma inmortal se encuentra en ...
Father Gabriel Infante, a charismatic man of God, undergoes a test of his faithfulness, unaware that his immortal soul is at stake. Satan, father of lies, brings back Gabriel's high school girlfriend, Theresa Reynolds, who became a religious sister after disappearing from his life 20 years before. The boxing priest goes about his action-filled days preaching God's love, justice and forgiveness, healing the sick, converting sinners, expelling demons and even raising the dead. He falls in love again with Theresa and desires to marry her even if it means abandoning both of their ministries and...
Father Gabriel Infante, a charismatic man of God, undergoes a test of his faithfulness, unaware that his immortal soul is at stake. Satan, father of l...
Gabriel Infante, a mystic who could walk on water, levitate in prayer, see the future, heal the sick, expel demons, and even raise the dead, among other things, was a Catholic priest for a decade, but God released him from his vow to serve him in that capacity. Now married to Theresa Reynolds, who also quit her life as a religious sister, and with two children to raise, the Miracle Weaver has settled down in the small village of San Pepe, an idyllic little place Jose and Maria Infante, Gabriel's parents, helped to create in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. As a layman, Gabriel worked first in...
Gabriel Infante, a mystic who could walk on water, levitate in prayer, see the future, heal the sick, expel demons, and even raise the dead, among oth...
Gabriel Infante, un mistico que podia caminar por el agua, levitar en oracion, ver el futuro, sanar enfermos, expulsar demonios, y aun revivir a los muertos, entre otras cosas, fue un sacerdote catolico por una decada, pero Dios lo libero de su compromiso de servirle en tal capacidad. Ahora casado con Theresa Reynolds, quien tambien dejo su vida de religiosa, y con dos ninos que criar, el Tejedor de Milagros se ha asentado en la pequena villa de San Pepe, un lugarcito idilico que Jose y Maria Infante, los progenitores de Gabriel, ayudaron a crear en Guanajuato, Mexico. Como laico, Gabriel...
Gabriel Infante, un mistico que podia caminar por el agua, levitar en oracion, ver el futuro, sanar enfermos, expulsar demonios, y aun revivir a los m...
Gabriel Infante, a mystic who could walk on water, levitate in prayer, see the future, heal the sick, expel demons, and even raise the dead... among other things, was a Catholic priest for a decade, but God released him from his vow to serve him in that capacity. Now married to Theresa Reynolds, who also quit her life as a religious sister, and with two children to raise, he continues living his extraordinary life for the honor and glory of God. The Devil had scored some triumphs against his hated nemesis, making him suffer and stray from the right path, almost destroying his marriage and his...
Gabriel Infante, a mystic who could walk on water, levitate in prayer, see the future, heal the sick, expel demons, and even raise the dead... among o...
Gabriel Infante, un mistico que podia caminar sobre el agua, levitar en oracion, ver el futuro, sanar enfermos, expulsar demonios, y aun revivir a los muertos... entre otras cosas, fue un sacerdote catolico por una decada, pero Dios lo libro de ese compromiso. Ahora ya casado con Theresa Reynolds, quien tambien dejo su vida de religiosa, y con dos ninos que criar, continua viviendo su extraordinaria vida para honor y gloria de Dios. El Diablo habia anotado triunfos contra su odiado enemigo, haciendolo sufrir y alejarse de la vida virtuosa, casi destruyendo su matrimonio y su familia, pero el...
Gabriel Infante, un mistico que podia caminar sobre el agua, levitar en oracion, ver el futuro, sanar enfermos, expulsar demonios, y aun revivir a los...
Father Gabriel Infante, the Miracle Weaver, received incredible charismas during his ordination as a Catholic priest in San Antonio, Texas in 1987. As many mystics before him, by the power of the Holy Spirit, he was able to heal the sick, raise the dead, convert sinners, and expel demons, among many other things. After a decade of service as presbyter, the mystic was liberated by the Almighty of his vow to serve Him as a priest so that he could fulfill his destiny and marry Theresa Reynolds, the love of his life who had been a religious sister. They had a girl and a boy and settled down in...
Father Gabriel Infante, the Miracle Weaver, received incredible charismas during his ordination as a Catholic priest in San Antonio, Texas in 1987. As...