Notwithstanding its early origins and its importance for the history of Hebrew linguistics, the Karaite grammatical tradition has received insufficient scholarly attention, mainly due to the scarcity of reconstructed primary sources emanating from this school of Hebrew grammar. This book reconstructs from unpublished manuscripts a medieval Karaite treatise on the grammar of Biblical Hebrew in Judaeo-Arabic Kitāb al-ʿUqūd fī Taṣārīf al-Luġa al-ʿIbrāniyya and studies verbal morphological theories expressed in this and related Karaite works....
Notwithstanding its early origins and its importance for the history of Hebrew linguistics, the Karaite grammatical tradition has received insufficien...
In this book Nadia Vidro presents a critical edition and English translation of the first Karaite pedagogical grammar of Hebrew, Kitāb al-ʿUqūd fī Taṣārīf al-Luġa al-ʿIbrāniyya. Composed in Jerusalem in the 11th century, Kitāb al-ʿUqūd is a concise description of Hebrew prepared specifically to cater for the needs of students just beginning their study of the language. The critical edition is accompanied by an historical introduction, a description of manuscripts, and a glossary of grammatical terminology. This...
In this book Nadia Vidro presents a critical edition and English translation of the first Karaite pedagogical grammar of Hebrew, Kitāb al-F...
Nadia Vidro Irene E. Zwiep Judith Olszowy-Schlanger
A Universal Art. Hebrew Grammar Across Disciplines and Faiths reflects on medieval and early modern Hebrew linguistics as a discipline that crossed geographic and religious borders and linked up with a plethora of scholarly activities, from Judaeo-Arabic Bible translations to the Renaissance search for the holiest alphabet. This collection of articles presents a cross-section of new research avenues on Hebraism, Karaite, Rabbanite and Christian, with an emphasis on the transmission of linguistic ideas through time and space among different communities, cultures and religious currents....
A Universal Art. Hebrew Grammar Across Disciplines and Faiths reflects on medieval and early modern Hebrew linguistics as a discipline that cro...