Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intA(c)ressA(c)s de prA]s aux systA]mes chaotiques, plus exactement aux suites logistiques. Ces systA]mes dynamiques sont rigoureusement dA(c)terministes et prA(c)sentent un phA(c)nomA]ne d'instabilitA(c) appelA(c) SensibilitA(c) aux conditions initiales. Les propriA(c)tA(c)s statistiques de ces suites ont A(c)tA(c) A(c)tudiA(c)es et leurs temps de gA(c)nA(c)ration A(c)valuA(c)s. Notre Objectif principal a A(c)tA(c) de gA(c)nA(c)rer des sA(c)quences chaotiques en vue de les appliquer au chiffrement des donnA(c)es secrA]tes dans un algorithme de cryptage et de...
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intA(c)ressA(c)s de prA]s aux systA]mes chaotiques, plus exactement aux suites logistiques. Ces systA]mes dynamiques...
Amal Choukchou-Braham Brahim Cherki Mohamed Djemai
This monograph provides readers with tools for the analysis, and control of systems with fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom to be controlled, i.e., underactuated systems. The text deals with the consequences of a lack of a general theory that would allow methodical treatment of such systems and the ad hoc approach to control design that often results, imposing a level of organization whenever the latter is lacking.
The authors take as their starting point the construction of a graphical characterization or control flow diagram reflecting the transmission of generalized...
This monograph provides readers with tools for the analysis, and control of systems with fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom to be control...
Amal Choukchou-Braham Brahim Cherki Mohamed Djemai
This monograph provides readers with tools for the analysis, and control of systems with fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom to be controlled, i.e., underactuated systems. The text deals with the consequences of a lack of a general theory that would allow methodical treatment of such systems and the ad hoc approach to control design that often results, imposing a level of organization whenever the latter is lacking.
The authors take as their starting point the construction of a graphical characterization or control flow diagram reflecting the transmission of generalized...
This monograph provides readers with tools for the analysis, and control of systems with fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom to be control...