Discover proven strategies and solutions for successful participation in the global market
With less than fifty percent of middle market US companies succeeding at going global, corporate executives need to know how to build effective global execution platforms that will allow their organizations to thrive in a global economy. Filled with case studies and indispensable checklists, Grow Globally guides executives in crafting an actionable global strategy that will not only stand the test of change--but that will also be on target, on budget, and on time.
Discover proven strategies and solutions for successful participation in the global market
With less than fifty percent of middle market US ...
Writing and storytelling have always been my passion. Time was passing quickly; I was now in the eighth decade of my life. I wanted to leave a legacy to my children and grandchildren. Who was the girl...the woman they did not know before I married their father? Who was the woman before I became "grandma"? Do my loved ones really know the "real" me? I began talking to other women and men about the idea behind my book and was surprised to discover how many people felt as I did. I would encourage everyone to begin journaling their lives. Leave your loved ones the gift of your life. You...
Writing and storytelling have always been my passion. Time was passing quickly; I was now in the eighth decade of my life. I wanted to leave a legacy ...