Deux nouvelles approches basA(c)es sur l'analyse, traitement et le diagnostic des signaux non- stationnaires sont dA(c)veloppA(c)es et expA(c)rimentA(c)es. La premiA]re est basA(c)e sur les ondes ultrasonores traversant un matA(c)riau en vue de la caractA(c)risation par le facteur de qualitA(c) en utilisant la mA(c)thode du rapport de spectres. L'utilisation des mA(c)thodes d'estimation spectrale par filtrage adaptatif en modA(c)lisation autorA(c)gressive AR amA(c)liore l'estimation du facteur de qualitA(c) et donc la caractA(c)risation. La seconde solution concerne la perception robotique....
Deux nouvelles approches basA(c)es sur l'analyse, traitement et le diagnostic des signaux non- stationnaires sont dA(c)veloppA(c)es et expA(c)rimentA(...
The aim of this book is the study of signals and deterministic systems, linear, time-invariant, finite dimensions and causal. A set of useful tools is selected for the automatic and signal processing and methods of representation of dynamic linear systems are exposed, and analysis of their behavior. Finally we discuss the estimation, identification and synthesis of control laws for the purpose of stabilization and regulation.
The study of signal characteristics and properties systems and knowledge of mathematical tools and treatment methods and analysis, are lately more and more...
The aim of this book is the study of signals and deterministic systems, linear, time-invariant, finite dimensions and causal. A set of useful tools...