The first years of the Civil War in the west focused on the question of the allegiance of Missouri. Southern sympathizers in the state wished to secede and join the pro-slavery cause, but were prevented from doing so by a large Unionist population focused in St. Louis and in other areas of the state. The August, 1861 battle of Wilson's Creek did little to settle the question, as neither side gained complete control of the state. A strong Union military presence, centered in St. Louis, governed that city and the Missouri River Valley (Shea and Hess 1992:1). The southwest corner of Missouri, on...
The first years of the Civil War in the west focused on the question of the allegiance of Missouri. Southern sympathizers in the state wished to seced...
The overall goal of the Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program is to "conduct systematic, scientific research to locate, evaluate, and document archeological resources on National Park Systems lands. "To accomplish this is in timely and efficient manner, each field area of the National Park Service was asked to develop a plan of action.
The overall goal of the Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program is to "conduct systematic, scientific research to locate, evaluate, and document ar...