This annual report details the status of key stream channel characteristics and riparian attributes obtained from the first season of monitoring in Jim Ford Creek within the Weippe Prairie unit and Lapwai Creek within the Spalding unit of Nez Perce National Historical Park (NEPE). This report is intended as a release of basic data sets and data summaries. Care has been taken to assure accuracy of raw data values, but thorough analysis and interpretation of the data has not been completed. More extensive analysis and discussion of stream channel characteristics and riparian will occur as part...
This annual report details the status of key stream channel characteristics and riparian attributes obtained from the first season of monitoring in Ji...
This annual report details the status of key stream channel characteristics and riparian attributes obtained from the first season of monitoring in Doan and Mill Creeks within Whitman Mission National Historic Site (WHMI). This report is intended as a release of basic data sets and data summaries. Care has been taken to assure accuracy of raw data values, but thorough analysis and interpretation of the data has not been completed. More extensive analysis and discussion of stream channel characteristics and riparian will occur as part of the trend analysis, which will be available after 3...
This annual report details the status of key stream channel characteristics and riparian attributes obtained from the first season of monitoring in Do...
This annual report details the status estimates obtained during the third year of monitoring panel 3 during the field season 2009 in CIRO where 45 plots were sampled in 8 stands. Summary data from 2008 is also included in this report to provide a summary of the park data for CIRO. In addition, the authors detected an error in the calculation of aspen and conifer density in the annual report of 2008 (Strand and Bunting 2009), another reason to include corrected 2008 data in this annual report focusing on 2009.
This annual report details the status estimates obtained during the third year of monitoring panel 3 during the field season 2009 in CIRO where 45 plo...
Thomas J. Rodhouse Lisa K. Garrett National Park Service
The Upper Columbia Basin Network has identified 14 priority park vital signs, indicators of ecosystem health, which represent a broad suite of ecological phenomena operating across multiple temporal and spatial scales. Our intent has been to monitor a balanced and integrated "package" of vital signs that meets the needs of current park management, but will also be able to accommodate unanticipated environmental conditions in the future. Camas is one particularly high priority vital sign for two UCBN parks, Big Hole National Battlefield (BIHO) and Nez Perce National Historical Park (NEPE)....
The Upper Columbia Basin Network has identified 14 priority park vital signs, indicators of ecosystem health, which represent a broad suite of ecologi...
An overall description of CIRO natural resources, historic overview, condition, threats, and stressors are presented throughout this document followed by a site summary and management recommendations.
An overall description of CIRO natural resources, historic overview, condition, threats, and stressors are presented throughout this document followed...
This report summarizes the data collected in 2012 for City of Rocks National Reserve and Castle Rocks State Park. Both units are co-managed by the National Park Service and Idaho State Parks and Recreation. Throughout the rest of the report we refer to both units together as the Reserve and by acronym as CIRO.
This report summarizes the data collected in 2012 for City of Rocks National Reserve and Castle Rocks State Park. Both units are co-managed by the Nat...
This report and set of geographic information system (GIS) maps with associated data layers serve to: (1) describe CRMO resources in a regional context (setting, significance, issues), (2) provide an interdisciplinary (holistic) snapshot of current resource conditions by management area, (3) document high-priority data gaps and resource condition threats and stressors and (4) identify and describe "high value" and "high vulnerability" (at risk) CRMO resources and management areas.
This report and set of geographic information system (GIS) maps with associated data layers serve to: (1) describe CRMO resources in a regional contex...
This Natural Resource Condition Assessment (NRCA) report and accompanying geodatabase is designed to give HAFO resource managers a better understanding of current natural resource conditions within and adjacent to the Monument. Assessments were accomplished through literature review, evaluating existing data, and collection of new data for areas where sufficient, reliable data was not available. Information gained from this assessment will help form the basis for development of actions to mitigate degradation of HAFO's natural resources and assist in the development of desired future...
This Natural Resource Condition Assessment (NRCA) report and accompanying geodatabase is designed to give HAFO resource managers a better understandin...
Devin S. Stucki Thomas J. Rodhouse National Park Service
In 2009, the authors initiated a small pilot survey of six limber pine stands in CRMO following the Interagency Whitebark Pine Monitoring Protocol for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (Greater Yellowstone Whitebark Pine Monitoring Working Group hereafter referred to as GYWPMWG] 2007). No blister rust was found during that survey, although mountain pine beetle galleries were found in several trees, and dwarf mistletoe was ubiquitous. In 2010 the authors tested a draft version of the protocol currently being used by the Upper Columbia Basin Network (UCBN), as well as the Klamath Network...
In 2009, the authors initiated a small pilot survey of six limber pine stands in CRMO following the Interagency Whitebark Pine Monitoring Protocol for...
The objectives of this study were: (1) to compile a comprehensive species inventory of at least 90% of all breeding, transient, and migratory bird species that, under normal circumstances, occur within the management units of interest; (2) to provide relative abundance measures for each of the documented species; and (3) to provide the baseline information needed to develop a general monitoring strategy and design that can be implemented by the park once inventories have been completed, tailored to specific park threats and resource issues.
The objectives of this study were: (1) to compile a comprehensive species inventory of at least 90% of all breeding, transient, and migratory bird spe...