Yogi Berra once said, "You can observe a lot just by watching." Michael Cramer has been a keen observer of everyday life encountered as he was walking or driving around town, while working, or watching children at play. He describes life as it is, surrounded by the lives of thousands of others, including interactions as well as observations and sharing the reality to which he is a witness. Poetry is the art of taking pictures with words, and these poems are the pictures Cramer has taken while watching life unfold around him. From the jarring images presented in "Holy City" to the touching...
Yogi Berra once said, "You can observe a lot just by watching." Michael Cramer has been a keen observer of everyday life encountered as he was walking...
The Berlin Wall Today is a richly illustrated full color book that takes the reader on a tour of the last traces and fading memories of the historic symbol of the Iron Curtain-to memorials, parks, hidden back yards, old train tracks, factory buildings, churches, and Prussian cemeteries. The Berlin Wall Today tells stories of struggle, desperation, survival, and rebirth and of a history that shaped the post- war world. It also shows how the people of Berlin are reclaiming and memorializing the ground where the Wall once stood: Mauer Park, where young people from all over world gather to party;...
The Berlin Wall Today is a richly illustrated full color book that takes the reader on a tour of the last traces and fading memories of the historic s...
Der Verfasser hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Art und Ausmass der dem internationalen Kreditgeschaft innewohnenden Risiken zu analysieren und die Moglichkeiten zu unter suchen, wie diese Risiken im einzelwirtschaftlichen Kreditentscheidungsprozess beruck sichtigt werden konnen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem mehr und mehr in den Mit telpunkt offentlicher und bankinterner Diskussionen geruckten Landerrisiko, dessen Be deutung sich in der jungsten Vergangenheit vor allem am Beispiel Irans gezeigt hat. Die Aufdeckung der Risikoquellen setzt die Kenntnis der Struktur und der Entwicklung des...
Der Verfasser hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Art und Ausmass der dem internationalen Kreditgeschaft innewohnenden Risiken zu analysieren und die Mogli...