Let's face it, the words, "FAST," "EASY," and "EFFORTLESS," can make otherwise intelligent people, act totally stupid. The Fitness and Weight-loss Industries continue to SELL empty promises and false hope to the average consumer. Exercise and Weight-loss Marketers are more focused on gimmicks - the things they think you'll buy - instead of credible exercise and weight-loss science. Many of sources people choose to rely on for credible information are (instead) well-paid industry spokespersons - i.e, sexy Models and Celebrities - trying to make big profits off unsuspecting consumers. And, they...
Let's face it, the words, "FAST," "EASY," and "EFFORTLESS," can make otherwise intelligent people, act totally stupid. The Fitness and Weight-loss Ind...
Physicians' biggest frustration is that the Fitness and Weight-loss Industry's main function is to SELL empty promises and false hope to the average consumer. The magic words, "Fast, Easy, and Effortless," often makes otherwise intelligent people act totally stupid. Making matters worse, many of today's personal trainers and gyms are more focused on gimmicks - things they think you'll buy - than on sound exercise and weight-loss principles. In the USA, a Registered Dietitian is the gold standard for nutritional expertise. They are essentially "Diet Doctors." Their consensus is that Weight...
Physicians' biggest frustration is that the Fitness and Weight-loss Industry's main function is to SELL empty promises and false hope to the average c...
So, you're trying to lose weight or get better exercise results. And although you say you have tried every diet and exercise program, so far, nothing has worked. Why? The answer is simple. You're getting your diet and exercise advice from the wrong sources. Gyms, Personal Trainers and TV Doctors are main players in today's billion dollar Fitness and Weight-loss Industry. They get rich selling false hope and empty promises to mostly uninformed consumers. In other words, products they know, don't work. It's easy, because the words "Fast," "Easy" and "Effortless" will often make otherwise...
So, you're trying to lose weight or get better exercise results. And although you say you have tried every diet and exercise program, so far, nothing ...