Les modes de crA(c)ation des alternatives stratA(c)giques sont dA(c)terminants lorsque la flexibilitA(c) est le maA(R)tre mot dans la rivalitA(c) entre les firmes. Les processus de crA(c)ation des options importent alors autant que leur utilisation pour la compA(c)titivitA(c) future de la firme. Guider les choix des entreprises devient dA(c)licat dans un tel environnement. Cet ouvrage pose la question du statut des options rA(c)elles: s''agit-t-il d''un outil d''A(c)valuation et de dA(c)cision propre A la thA(c)orie financiA]re de la firme ou d''un outil d''exploration et de planification...
Les modes de crA(c)ation des alternatives stratA(c)giques sont dA(c)terminants lorsque la flexibilitA(c) est le maA(R)tre mot dans la rivalitA(c) entr...
Understanding the economic implication of creative individuals and firms is at the heart of the new economy and of related fields such as the economics of knowledge, the economics of science and innovation management. This book brings together a panel of theoretical and empirical contributions which address the generation of creative ideas and their transformation into products and services by firms or universities, as well as the interplay of those organizations in networks and markets.
The word 'creativity' has been used a great deal recently in relation to efforts to recover from...
Understanding the economic implication of creative individuals and firms is at the heart of the new economy and of related fields such as the econo...
Understanding the economic implication of creative individuals and firms is at the heart of the new economy and of related fields such as the economics of knowledge, the economics of science and innovation management. This book brings together a panel of theoretical and empirical contributions which address the generation of creative ideas and their transformation into products and services by firms or universities, as well as the interplay of those organizations in networks and markets.
The word creativity has been used a great deal recently in relation to efforts to recover from...
Understanding the economic implication of creative individuals and firms is at the heart of the new economy and of related fields such as the econo...
Marcus Wagner Jaume Valls-Pasola Thierry Burger-Helmchen
In the past, Global Management meant optimizing production and commercialization activities around the world in an international business context. With the emergence and rise of the creative economy, the global game has changed.
This book is about the global management of creativity and related innovation processes, and examines how companies, organizations and institutions can foster the transformation of an original idea to its successful execution and international diffusion. The Global Management of Creativity gives a clear framework for analyzing creativeness in...
In the past, Global Management meant optimizing production and commercialization activities around the world in an international business context. ...
Entrepreneurship plays a central role in any society because it generates public economic benefits that are often larger than the private profits obtained by the entrepreneurs themselves. Entrepreneurship creates jobs, improves promotes productivity and socio-economic development. These benefits are even greater if the links between creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit are strong. Recently, the United Nations recognized the emergence of a new paradigm in which entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation are key drivers of the global economy. It is understood that the creative...
Entrepreneurship plays a central role in any society because it generates public economic benefits that are often larger than the private profits o...