Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Kreditderivate ermoglichen "endlich" die aktive Steuerung des Kreditportefeuilles. In Bankenkreisen wird bereits von einer Revolution des Kreditrisikomanagements durch Kreditderivate gesprochen. Bei nuchterner Betrachtung zeigt sich jedoch, da man von einer "Revolution" noch weit entfernt ist, denn der Anteil von Kreditderivaten am allgemeinen OTC-Derivatehandel ist in absoluten Groen nach wie vor verschwindend gering. Fur einen liquiden Handel und den effektiven Einsatz von Kreditderivaten sind noch zahlreiche Hurden zu uberwinden. Ein wesentliches, weil noch nicht...
Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Kreditderivate ermoglichen "endlich" die aktive Steuerung des Kreditportefeuilles. In Bankenkreisen wird bereits von einer ...
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing effective means to manage HR and specific suggestions aimed at facilitating the measurement of HR practices' impact on value creation. Evidence-based recommendations are made by drawing on thorough empirical research from various research traditions and academic disciplines. It covers a wide variety of tasks faced by the HR function and specifically addresses new challenges such as assessing the added value of work-life balance practices.
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing...
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing effective means to manage HR and specific suggestions aimed at facilitating the measurement of HR practices' impact on value creation.
This book is designed to help practitioners and academics to assess the added value of HR practices. It provides hands-on recommendations for choosing...