Leader mondial de l'amA(c)nagement urbain, acteur incontournable dans ses relations avec les collectivitA(c)s locales, poids lourd social avec plus de 200 000 salariA(c)s, la Compagnie GA(c)nA(c)rale des Eaux (pA]re fondateur de Veolia Environnement), incarne toutes les A(c)volutions A(c)conomiques et sociales dont la sociA(c)tA(c) franAaise subit les effets depuis plus de 150 ans. Par les mA(c)tiers qu'elle exerce dans les services aux collectivitA(c)s locales (eau, A(c)nergie, transport, assainissement, chauffage...), elle se situe en effet A la croisA(c)e des chemins de toutes les...
Leader mondial de l'amA(c)nagement urbain, acteur incontournable dans ses relations avec les collectivitA(c)s locales, poids lourd social avec plus de...
This book explores the governance of networks. A network's governance mechanisms are based on trust and confidence, which go beyond a simple economic logic. As the network's boundaries expand to include clusters of businesses and stakeholders and the emergence of coalitions of all kinds, the trust will gradually dilute and the network's unifying role will be lost. The organization then evolves into the form of a network of networks, where the challenge is to bring together coalitions. Using examples from the European Union and the Regional Health Federation of Networks, this book explores the...
This book explores the governance of networks. A network's governance mechanisms are based on trust and confidence, which go beyond a simple economic ...