Especially in times of an economic boom following a crisis, companies have to deal with the phenomenon of the "working capital trap," which signifies a company's increasing need for financial liquidity in times of hindered access to debt capital, caused by the increasingly restrictive credit approval processes of financial institutions. As a consequence of cost savings, this situation is often reinforced by a low level of inventory.
This book takes up the problem and shows ways of escaping the "trap" by identifying and strengthening in-house financing potential. First, different...
Especially in times of an economic boom following a crisis, companies have to deal with the phenomenon of the "working capital trap," which signifi...
In Zeiten wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs haben Unternehmen haufig mit der Working Capital-Falle zu kampfen: Sie haben einen steigenden Liquiditatsbedarf bei gleichzeitig erschwertem Zugang zu Fremdkapital. Die Autoren zeigen, wie Unternehmen durch Ermittlung und Starkung der Innenfinanzierung aus der Working Capital-Falle herausfinden. Losungskonzepte werden anhand eines Praxisbeispiels verdeutlicht. Mit "Procurement Value Added" wird ein Instrument prasentiert, mit dem der Beitrag der Beschaffung zum Unternehmenserfolg gemessen werden kann.
In Zeiten wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs haben Unternehmen haufig mit der Working Capital-Falle zu kampfen: Sie haben einen steigenden Liquiditatsbedarf...
Especially in times of an economic boom following a crisis, companies have to deal with the phenomenon of the "working capital trap," which signifies a company's increasing need for financial liquidity in times of hindered access to debt capital, caused by the increasingly restrictive credit approval processes of financial institutions. As a consequence of cost savings, this situation is often reinforced by a low level of inventory.
This book takes up the problem and shows ways of escaping the "trap" by identifying and strengthening in-house financing potential. First, different...
Especially in times of an economic boom following a crisis, companies have to deal with the phenomenon of the "working capital trap," which signifi...