Le sujet global de cette thA]se est l'A(c)tude des solutions pA(c)riodiques des systA]mes plans d'A(c)quations diffA(c)rentielles ordianaires. Elle est divisA(c)e en deux grandes parties. La premiA]re partie, (il s'agit d'un travail publiA(c) et A(c)crit en collaboration avec R. Chouikha) est consacrA(c) A la recherche des solutions pA(c)riodiques de l'A(c)quation de LiA(c)nard gA(c)nA(c)ralisA(c)e. On dA(c)montre un thA(c)orA]me qui asure dans certains cas l'existence de telles solutions. La seconde partie est consacrA(c) A la recherche de centres isochrones de systA]mes d'A(c)quations...
Le sujet global de cette thA]se est l'A(c)tude des solutions pA(c)riodiques des systA]mes plans d'A(c)quations diffA(c)rentielles ordianaires. Elle es...
This book reports the results of exhaustive research work on modeling and control of vertical oil well drilling systems. It is focused on the analysis of the system-dynamic response and the elimination of the most damaging drill string vibration modes affecting overall perforation performance: stick-slip (torsional vibration) and bit-bounce (axial vibration). The text is organized in three parts.
The first part, Modeling, presents lumped- and distributed-parameter models that allow the dynamic behavior of the drill string to be characterized; a comprehensive mathematical model taking...
This book reports the results of exhaustive research work on modeling and control of vertical oil well drilling systems. It is focused on the analy...