Proceeds from this special edition support Pearls of Hope(r), The Lorraine Jackson Foundation. The Foundation's primary mission is to provide college scholarships for children who have lost a parent to breast cancer. ** Stress is a constant in our lives - such a constant that we actually don't realize we are under stress, we think it's "just part of life." Health surveys report that over 70% of people feel stress everyday. Some stress is helpful, but most stress is destructive; it can age you and it can kill you. The focus of this book is STRESS OUT, not Stressed Out. Stressed-out is a...
Proceeds from this special edition support Pearls of Hope(r), The Lorraine Jackson Foundation. The Foundation's primary mission is to provide college ...
Sumner M. Davenport Rn Msn, Aila Accad Debra Costanzo
Sales from this special edition support Pearls of Hope(r), The Lorraine Jackson Foundation. The Foundation's primary mission is to provide college scholarships for children who have lost a parent to breast cancer. Health surveys report that over 70% of people feel stress everyday. Some stress is helpful, but most stress is destructive; it can age you and it can kill you. Having a healthy relationship with stress can prevent certain cancers. For those who are diagnosed, having a better understanding and approach to stress has been shown to slow tumor growth and support better acceptance of...
Sales from this special edition support Pearls of Hope(r), The Lorraine Jackson Foundation. The Foundation's primary mission is to provide college sch...