In the face of decreasing biodiversity and ongoing global changes, maintaining ecosystem functioning is seen both as a means to preserve biological diversity as well as for safeguarding human wellbeing by securing the services ecosystems provide. The concept today is prominent in many fields of ecology and conservation biology, such as biodiversity research, ecosystem management, or restoration ecology. Although the idea of ecosystem functioning is important, the concept itself remains rather vague and elusive. This book provides a novel analysis and integrated synthesis of different...
In the face of decreasing biodiversity and ongoing global changes, maintaining ecosystem functioning is seen both as a means to preserve biological di...
As concerns about humankind's relationship with the environment move inexorably up the agenda, this volume tells the story of the history of the concept of ecology itself and adds much to the historical and philosophical debate over this multifaceted discipline. The text provides readers with an overview of the theoretical, institutional and historical formation of ecological knowledge. The varied local conditions of early ecology are considered in detail, while epistemological problems that lie on the borders of ecology, such as disunity and complexity, are discussed. The book traces the...
As concerns about humankind's relationship with the environment move inexorably up the agenda, this volume tells the story of the history of the conce...
Das Buch behandelt die begrifflichen und methodologischen Grundlagen der Einheiten der Okologie, d.h. Population, Biozonose, Okosystem etc. Obwohl diese Begriffe, speziell das Okosystem, zu den meistbenutzten der Okologie gehoren, herrschen uber ihre genaue Bedeutung und Anwendung grosse Unklarheiten, die wichtige Konsequenzen fur die Okologie und fur die darauf aufbauenden angewandten Disziplinen, wie den Naturschutz, haben. Wann etwa ist ein Okosystem zerstort? Wann ist es trotz Veranderungen noch -dasselbe-? Solche Fragen lassen sich nicht rein empirisch beantworten, sondern bedurfen einer...
Das Buch behandelt die begrifflichen und methodologischen Grundlagen der Einheiten der Okologie, d.h. Population, Biozonose, Okosystem etc. Obwohl die...
As concerns about humankind's relationship with the environment move inexorably up the agenda, this volume tells the story of the history of the concept of ecology itself and adds much to the historical and philosophical debate over this multifaceted discipline. The text provides readers with an overview of the theoretical, institutional and historical formation of ecological knowledge. The varied local conditions of early ecology are considered in detail, while epistemological problems that lie on the borders of ecology, such as disunity and complexity, are discussed. The book traces the...
As concerns about humankind's relationship with the environment move inexorably up the agenda, this volume tells the story of the history of the conce...