This book covers new aspects and frameworks of control, design, and optimization based on the TP model transformation and its various extensions. The author outlines the three main steps of polytopic and LMI based control design: 1) development of the qLPV state-space model, 2) generation of the polytopic model;
This book covers new aspects and frameworks of control, design, and optimization based on the TP model transformation and its various extensions. The ...
This book describes the theoretical foundations of cognitive infocommunications (CogInfoCom), and provides a survey on state-of-the-art solutions and applications within the field. The book coversaspects of cognitive infocommunications in research fields such as affective computing, BCI, future internet, HCI, HRI, sensory substitution, and virtual/augmented interactions, and also introduces newly proposed paradigms and initiatives under the field, including CogInfoCom channels, speechability and socio-cognitive ICT. The book focuses on describing the merging between humans and information and...
This book describes the theoretical foundations of cognitive infocommunications (CogInfoCom), and provides a survey on state-of-the-art solutions and ...