Introduction.- Cognitive info communications (Cog Info Com).- Synergies between Cog Info Com and other Fields.- Emerging Research Areas Under Cog Info Co.- Cog Info Com Channels.- Cognitive Capabilities of Augmented/Virtual Avatars.- Cognitive Capabilities of Social Networks.- Networked Speech ability.- Cog Info Com Biases.
Peter Baranyi is a professor at the Széchenyi István Unversity of Győr, and Head of the 3D Internet based Control and Communications Laboratory at the Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Adam Csapo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and an associate professor at the Széchenyi István University of Győr.
Gyula Sallai is a professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Scientific Director of the Future Internet Research Coordination Centre.
This book describes the theoretical foundations of cognitive infocommunications (CogInfoCom), and provides a survey on state-of-the-art solutions and applications within the field. The book covers aspects of cognitive infocommunications in the research fields of affective computing, BCI, future internet, HCI, HRI, sensory substitution, and virtual/augmented interactions. The book focuses on describing the merging between humans and information and communications technology (ICT) at the level of cognitive capabilities with an approach towards developing future cognitive ICT.
· Provides a comprehensive overview of cognitive infocommunications
· Covers theoretical and practical aspects of cognitive infocommunications
· Discusses applications employing various aspects of infocommunication