Thepresentbookisbasedonthelecturesdeliveredbytheauthorinthepastfew yearsaspartoftheCriminalLawcourseoftheFacultyofLawattheOnoAcademic College. There has been little research on the principle of legality in modern criminallaw, althoughthisisoneofthemostancientlegalprinciplesofhuman society. In recent generations there have been several attempts to de?ne the principleconclusively, butonlywithregardtosomeofitsaspects. Nocompreh- sivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityhasbeenattemptedtodate. Aconclusivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityincriminallawrequiresboth...
Thepresentbookisbasedonthelecturesdeliveredbytheauthorinthepastfew yearsaspartoftheCriminalLawcourseoftheFacultyofLawattheOnoAcademic College. There h...
Derivative criminal liability includes inchoate offenses (criminal attempt, conspiracy, preparatory offenses), complicity (joint perpetration, perpetration through another, incitement, solicitation, accessoryship), organized crime, and more. This title intends to develop a practical theory of derivative criminal liability.
Derivative criminal liability includes inchoate offenses (criminal attempt, conspiracy, preparatory offenses, etc.), complicity (joint perpetration, perpetration through another, incitement, solicitation, accessoryship, etc.), organized crime, natural and probable consequences liability, post-crime aid, enterprise liability, terrorism and terrorist infrastructure, and many more forms of criminal liability, clearly making it a major pillar of modern criminal law. Although derivative criminal liability affects countries worldwide, there is still no general legal theory that covers this issue....
The book develops a general legal theory concerning the liability for offenses involving artificial intelligence systems. The involvement of the artificial intelligence systems in these offenses may be as perpetrators, accomplices or mere instruments. The general legal theory proposed in this book is based on the current criminal law in most modern legal systems.
In most modern countries, unmanned vehicles, sophisticated surgical systems, industrial computing systems, trading algorithms and other artificial intelligence systems are commonly used for both industrial and personal...
The book develops a general legal theory concerning the liability for offenses involving artificial intelligence systems. The involvement of the ar...
Thepresentbookisbasedonthelecturesdeliveredbytheauthorinthepastfew yearsaspartoftheCriminalLawcourseoftheFacultyofLawattheOnoAcademic College. There has been little research on the principle of legality in modern criminallaw, althoughthisisoneofthemostancientlegalprinciplesofhuman society. In recent generations there have been several attempts to de?ne the principleconclusively, butonlywithregardtosomeofitsaspects. Nocompreh- sivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityhasbeenattemptedtodate. Aconclusivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityincriminallawrequiresboth...
Thepresentbookisbasedonthelecturesdeliveredbytheauthorinthepastfew yearsaspartoftheCriminalLawcourseoftheFacultyofLawattheOnoAcademic College. There h...
The book develops a general legal theory concerning the liability for offenses involving artificial intelligence systems. The involvement of the artificial intelligence systems in these offenses may be as perpetrators, accomplices or mere instruments. The general legal theory proposed in this book is based on the current criminal law in most modern legal systems.
In most modern countries, unmanned vehicles, sophisticated surgical systems, industrial computing systems, trading algorithms and other artificial intelligence systems are commonly used for both industrial and personal...
The book develops a general legal theory concerning the liability for offenses involving artificial intelligence systems. The involvement of the ar...