Derzeit leben wir seit rund 2,5 Millionen Jahren in einem Eiszeitalter, einer erdgeschichtlichen Epoche, in der es Eis auf der Erde gibt und in der die Kurve der globalen Mitteltemperatur deutlichen Schwankungen unterliegt (aktueller Trend: Temperaturanstieg). Mit knapp 16 Millionen Quadratkilometern ist rund zehn Prozent der Landflache zurzeit mit Gletschereis bedeckt und Gletschereis tragt massgeblich zur Gestaltung von Landschaften bei. Dieses kompakte Lehrbuch scharft den Blick fur solche Landschaften. Es macht die Formen und die Formungsprozesse verstandlich, die der Autor an...
Derzeit leben wir seit rund 2,5 Millionen Jahren in einem Eiszeitalter, einer erdgeschichtlichen Epoche, in der es Eis auf der Erde gibt und in der...
The book thoroughly describes Iceland's geological development and its current geological processes, taking into account both geographic and geo-ecological aspects. Examining various regions of the country, each proposed stop is sufficiently described so that it is easily accessible (especially for individual tourists).
The book thoroughly describes Iceland's geological development and its current geological processes, taking into account both geographic and geo-ecolo...
At present, we have been living in an ice age for around 2.5 million years, a geological epoch in which there is ice on Earth and in which the curve of the global mean temperature is subject to significant fluctuations (current trend: temperature increase). At nearly 16 million square kilometers, about ten percent of the land surface is currently covered by glacial ice-and glacial ice plays a major role in shaping landscapes. This compact textbook sharpens the eye for such landscapes. It makes the forms and the shaping processes comprehensible, which the author illustrates with numerous...
At present, we have been living in an ice age for around 2.5 million years, a geological epoch in which there is ice on Earth and in which the curve o...