Nonholonomic Motion Planning grew out of the Workshop on Nonholonomic Motion Planning that took place at the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. It consists of contributed chapters representing new developments in this area. Contributors to the book include robotics engineers, nonlinear control experts, differential geometres and applied mathematics.
Nonholonomic Motion Planning grew out of the Workshop on Nonholonomic Motion Planning that took place at the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Rob...
Nonholonomic Motion Planning grew out of the workshop that took place at the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. It consists of contributed chapters representing new developments in this area. Contributors to the book include robotics engineers, nonlinear control experts, differential geometers and applied mathematicians. Nonholonomic Motion Planning is arranged into three chapter groups: Controllability: one of the key mathematical tools needed to study nonholonomic motion. Motion Planning for Mobile Robots: in this section...
Nonholonomic Motion Planning grew out of the workshop that took place at the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. I...