"Cuanto mas facil es ser critico que correcto. He LLEGADO, por medio de una larga meditacion, a la conviccion de que un ser humano con un proposito establecido debe lograrlo, y que nada puede resistir una voluntad que pondra en juego incluso la misma existencia para que se cumpla." Benjamin Disreili Introduccion Benjamin Disraeli (1804-d 1881) es unico entre los novelistas del periodo Victoriano, pues, fuera del mundo de los especialistas en literatura Victoriana, el es mucho mejor conocido como politico y hombre de estado que como novelista ya que el fue lider del partido conservador y dos...
"Cuanto mas facil es ser critico que correcto. He LLEGADO, por medio de una larga meditacion, a la conviccion de que un ser humano con un proposito es...
Sybil, or The Two Nations is an 1845 novel by Benjamin Disraeli. Published in the same year as Friedrich Engels's The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, Sybil traces the plight of the working classes of England. Disraeli was interested in dealing with the horrific conditions in which the majority of England's working classes lived - or, what is generally called the Condition of England question.
Sybil, or The Two Nations is an 1845 novel by Benjamin Disraeli. Published in the same year as Friedrich Engels's The Condition of the Working Class i...
Sybil is a novel with a thesis, which was meant to create a furor over the squalor that was plaguing England's working class cities. The general reader whose attention has not been specially drawn to the subject which these volumes aim to illustrate, the Condition of the People, might suspect that the Writer had been tempted to some exaggeration in the scenes which he has drawn and the impressions which he has wished to convey. He thinks it therefore due to himself to state that he believes there is not a trait in this work for which he has not the authority of his own observation, or the...
Sybil is a novel with a thesis, which was meant to create a furor over the squalor that was plaguing England's working class cities. The general reade...
A scholarly edition of a work by Benjamin Disraeli. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
A scholarly edition of a work by Benjamin Disraeli. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and s...