An introduction to and overview of the modern era of Kansas politics and government in the context of the state's history and political cultures. It uses the prism of political cultures to interpret Kansas politics and disclose the intimate connections between the state's past and its current politics.
An introduction to and overview of the modern era of Kansas politics and government in the context of the state's history and political cultures. It u...
The rich history of Kansas politics continues to generate an abundant literature. The state's beginning as -Bleeding Kansas- followed by Prohibition, populism, the Progressive Era, and the Dust Bowl, through to the present day, have given local and national writers and scholars an intriguing topic for exploration. While historians and biographers shed light on pieces of this history, journalists focus on current political affairs in the state. Rarely, however, are past and present connected to fully illuminate an understanding of Kansas politics and government.
This volume...
The rich history of Kansas politics continues to generate an abundant literature. The state's beginning as -Bleeding Kansas- followed by P...