An experience that has proven to be an effective intervention for first year students is the first year seminar. Research supports that students' participation in first year seminars is effective in retention, persistence toward graduation, higher grade point averages, and social integration. Results from the 2001-2002 First Year Initiative Survey provides support that there is a positive relationship between the instructional techniques used in the first year seminar and acquisition of academic and critical thinking skills for students enrolled in the three-contact hour first year seminar. A...
An experience that has proven to be an effective intervention for first year students is the first year seminar. Research supports that students' part...
This book will be of tremendous use to all healthcare professionals from physicians to nurses to social workers, rehabilitation therapists, and chaplains. The pathway taken here is a sensible and reasonable one, emphasizing a patient-centred approach that underscores the importance of spiritually competent care. The Editors do an excellent job of describing how to integrate spirituality into patient care for all of the different healthcare professionals. They also emphasize the importance of an evidence-based approach that is guided by research. This book provides superb...
This book will be of tremendous use to all healthcare professionals from physicians to nurses to social workers, rehabilitation therapists, and...
This book will be of tremendous use to all healthcare professionals from physicians to nurses to social workers, rehabilitation therapists, and chaplains. The pathway taken here is a sensible and reasonable one, emphasizing a patient-centred approach that underscores the importance of spiritually competent care. The Editors do an excellent job of describing how to integrate spirituality into patient care for all of the different healthcare professionals. They also emphasize the importance of an evidence-based approach that is guided by research. This book provides superb...
This book will be of tremendous use to all healthcare professionals from physicians to nurses to social workers, rehabilitation therapists, and...