During the last decade, argumentation has attracted growing attention as a means to elicit processes (linguistic, logical, dialogical, psychological, etc.) that can sustain or provoke reasoning and learning. Constituting an important dimension of daily life and of professional activities, argumentation plays a special role in democracies and is at the heart of philosophical reasoning and scientific inquiry. Argumentation, as such, requires specific intellectual and social skills. Hence, argumentation will have an increasing importance in education, both because it is a critical competence...
During the last decade, argumentation has attracted growing attention as a means to elicit processes (linguistic, logical, dialogical, psychologica...
Les programmes scolaires accordent aujourd hui une place importante a l argumentation, comme objet d apprentissage mais aussi comme demarche critique, propice au developpement d une posture citoyenne. Cet interet est legitime au vu des recherches recentes en education. L'observation des pratiques en classe montre toutefois que l argumentation est une activite complexe, qui necessite la coordination d'habiletes cognitives et relationnelles, et sensible aux contextes dans lesquels elle se deploie. Reunissant des contributions de chercheurs de renommee internationale et presentant differents...
Les programmes scolaires accordent aujourd hui une place importante a l argumentation, comme objet d apprentissage mais aussi comme demarche critique,...
The book pursues the goal of exploring and strengthening a dialogical approach of communication and cognition. It brings together contributions from world-leading researchers related to the dialogical approach in education and psychology. It presents, among others, the place of language and materiality in the development of communication and thinking, as well as the role of the methods in the relationship between researchers and participants. This leads to an innovative definition of the dialogicality and how a dialogical approach can provide heuristic (conceptual and methodological) tools...
The book pursues the goal of exploring and strengthening a dialogical approach of communication and cognition. It brings together contributions from ...