Reflexive research and the (re)turn to the baroque. (Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the university) seeks an answer to the question posed by Gilles Deleuze, Why do we desire what oppresses us? The book presents a narrative conceived within a baroque framework which attempts, with a proper sense of irony, to reveal the truth about the academy, and the way in which, as institution, it constructs our desires. The book also sets out a methodology for exploring questions related to identity and discourses and discusses how a sense of baroque, characterised as belonging to the...
Reflexive research and the (re)turn to the baroque. (Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the university) seeks an answer to the question posed...
The book asks a series of searching and challenging questions: What are the complex issues involved in children's sector transformation for all those involved -- young people, practitioners, leaders and managers, policy makers? How can the 'silos' in which professionals have traditionally been prepared for practice be broken down? What are the orthodoxies that surround 'joined-up' working and in what ways should they be challenged? Written by authors from across the wide range of professional, policy and disciplinary groups, this book provides a critical analysis of the complexities of...
The book asks a series of searching and challenging questions: What are the complex issues involved in children's sector transformation for all those ...
While there have been many sociological and psychological studies of humor, few can claim to be funny. Humor may be regarded as a legitimate topic for social scientists, but in general, they present their research rather seriously. In academia, humor tends to be trivialized and dismissed. This is more than just a missed opportunity for otherwise fun-loving academics. In literature, it is readily accepted that comedy is integral to the human condition. To ignore humor is to reject a potentially insightful methodological approach, as the humorous worldview presents unique opportunities for...
While there have been many sociological and psychological studies of humor, few can claim to be funny. Humor may be regarded as a legitimate topic ...