Through her Letters written to Friends, to her opponents: priests, magistrates, politicians, including the king, Elizabeth Hooton leaves a captivating testimony of her fights for and of her activism in quest of the Truth, Freedom, Justice and equity for all as well as peace on earth and within the Quaker movement. Hers was a fight and quest far from any guided by egoism pure and simple or by personal interest. She was driven by her interest in the common good of all and everywhere. In History of civilizations we have actors who fade away unnoticed or at times are just ignored whereas their...
Through her Letters written to Friends, to her opponents: priests, magistrates, politicians, including the king, Elizabeth Hooton leaves a captivating...
In order to fuel public interest regarding the fate that for long has struck this masterpiece cum adventure story, Bill F. Ndi references Fontenelle to justify his translation undertaking. It is a translation into French from the original English version, Adventures by Sea of Edward Coxere's which holds its import from the fact that it traces the major trends in the evolution of ideas and mentalities in the 17th century English society. This translation brought to us by Bill F. Ndi is that of a novel spun around a series of upheavals that bring to life the dynamism within the early Quaker...
In order to fuel public interest regarding the fate that for long has struck this masterpiece cum adventure story, Bill F. Ndi references Fontenelle t...
Bill F. Ndi, poet, playwright, storyteller, literary critic, translator, historian of ideas and mentalities and academic is household name in Anglophone Cameroonian poetry. He has held teaching positions in several universities in Australia, France, and elsewhere. He now teaches at Tuskegee University, Tuskegee Alabama, USA. He has authored numerous (poetry, drama, scholarly works on early Quakerism as well as translations of early Quaker writings) publications in both the English and French languages. "Epigrams is a compendium of sagacious aphorisms in which Bill F. Ndi has dared to stand on...
Bill F. Ndi, poet, playwright, storyteller, literary critic, translator, historian of ideas and mentalities and academic is household name in Anglopho...
The fiery passion and epigrammatic terseness with which Loretta Burns re-enacts her experiences and observations as an African American woman in contemporary America reveal her as a poet of life who transcends the labels African American, feminist, and/or womanist. Her poetry captures moments and scenes of living that echo her impressions and intuitions of a world trapped between appearance and reality, illusion and disillusion, expectation and realization, the material and the spiritual. Through her deceptive simplicity of diction, she explores the nooks and crannies of her psyche as well...
The fiery passion and epigrammatic terseness with which Loretta Burns re-enacts her experiences and observations as an African American woman in conte...
The poems in this collection are adequate, with great lines. The rhythm is stimulating to all the five senses thanks to the use of multiple images. A lot of imagery in Vestiges gives a picture of a war front after a ferocious battle. The objects, animals, and images in the poems disorient and lead the reader to focusing on putting flesh to the bones than just getting the juice of the poems... The rhythm more than anything else carries the reader through this chaotic tableau painted in Vestiges. In a way, this comes across as a substantiation of the poets vision of our world and an explanation...
The poems in this collection are adequate, with great lines. The rhythm is stimulating to all the five senses thanks to the use of multiple images. A ...
Elizabeth Stirredges spiritual autobiography is a treasury of spiritual wisdom which paints all that which is needed to be a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and how God in His might works, transforms, and supports an ordinary soul to lead the life of extraordinary faithfulness. The text highlights Stirredges intimate conviction as well as that of early Quakers. This translation is a welcomed venture because this is a central piece, deserving of much more attention than that which has been accorded to it until now.
Elizabeth Stirredges spiritual autobiography is a treasury of spiritual wisdom which paints all that which is needed to be a faithful servant of the L...
Lorsqu'un anglophone prend le dEfi d'Ecrire en franCais et pour ceux qui estiment avoir le monopole du franCais, ce qui en rEsulte doit titiller le lecteur. Il s'agit de la poEsie nEe de la plume de Bill F. Ndi. N'Etant pas son premier recueil en franCais, La croisEe des chemins noir ou noirci ? frappe par l'usage que le poEte fait des mots pour l'image des maux qu'ils reprEsentent A fin de conscientiser le lecteur de ses propres mEfaits. L'emploi de mots dans chaque vers est juste, A propos. Sur le plan esthEtique et rythmique ces poEmes Eveillent les sens.
English Translation of...
Lorsqu'un anglophone prend le dEfi d'Ecrire en franCais et pour ceux qui estiment avoir le monopole du franCais, ce qui en rEsulte doit titiller le...
Bill F. Ndi Adaku T. Ankumah Benjamin Hart Fishkin
Through multiple points of resistance, The Repressed Expressed underscores how hard it is to build a community in any nation with no beneficial qualities of hope and transparency. This informative collection of essays highlights that wherever stability and order are lacking, the universal appeal is to express that which is suppressed. Also, like a map or guidebook, The Repressed Expressed indicates how people in such geographical prisons strive to transform their agitation into spiritual and political pathways, free of pain and hurt from, and anger towards a dirty and...
Through multiple points of resistance, The Repressed Expressed underscores how hard it is to build a community in any nation with no benef...
Barbed Forest draws from the socio-political character of society--specific societies sometimes. It navigates its way from the political to the familial and ultimately personal concerns of humankind before projecting the positive -humanist vision- of which the poet cum freedom songster dreams.
Barbed Forest draws from the socio-political character of society--specific societies sometimes. It navigates its way from the political to the fam...