The Body and Representation: The Centre for Feminist Studies Meets the ifu The present work is the result of the cooperation between the Centre for Femi nist Studies (ZFS) at the University of Bremen and the International Women's University Hanover 2000 (ifu). For the project area Body (deans: Prof. Patricia McFadden and Prof. Barbara Duden), in which roughly one hundred fifty par ticipants from all over the world took part/ the Centre for Feminist Studies de veloped and organized a two-week study phase, The Body and Representation: Feminist Research and Theoretical Perspectives, which was...
The Body and Representation: The Centre for Feminist Studies Meets the ifu The present work is the result of the cooperation between the Centre for Fe...
With this monograph, award-winning multidisciplinary artist Vera Frenkel receives her first major survey. Exhibited internationally, her installations, videos, writings and media arts projects address the forces at work in human migration and displacement, the learning and un-learning of cultural memory, the relation of totalitarianism and resistance and the increasing bureaucratization of experience. Works discussed include String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video; This Is Your Messiah Speaking; -... from the Transit Bar-; Body Missing; ONCE NEAR...
With this monograph, award-winning multidisciplinary artist Vera Frenkel receives her first major survey. Exhibited internationally, her installations...