Life cycle design is understood as "to develop" (to plan, to calculate, to define, to draw) a holistic concept for the entire life cycle of a product." Life cycle design means a one time planning during the concept phase of a product in which the pathway of a product over the entire life cycle is determined. So e.g. the planning of possible services for a product during its utilization phase, the way of material recycling, how and which parts can be reused, how the logistics for recycling will be organised or how the product can be used afterwards. So it is a conceptual pre-design of all...
Life cycle design is understood as "to develop" (to plan, to calculate, to define, to draw) a holistic concept for the entire life cycle of a produ...
Life cycle design is understood as "to develop" (to plan, to calculate, to define, to draw) a holistic concept for the entire life cycle of a product." Life cycle design means a one time planning during the concept phase of a product in which the pathway of a product over the entire life cycle is determined. So e.g. the planning of possible services for a product during its utilization phase, the way of material recycling, how and which parts can be reused, how the logistics for recycling will be organised or how the product can be used afterwards. So it is a conceptual pre-design of all...
Life cycle design is understood as "to develop" (to plan, to calculate, to define, to draw) a holistic concept for the entire life cycle of a produ...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1996 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 1,0, Universitat Paderborn (Unbekannt), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Problemstellung: Die Absatzmarkte der Industrie sind heute durch einen stetigen Wandel der Rahmenbedingungen gekennzeichnet. Nicht zuletzt durch die steigende Globalisierung der Markte und der damit verbundenen verstarkten Konkurrenz von Anbietern auf den Absatzmarkten entwickelt sich das Verhaltnis von Kunden und Lieferanten tendenziell vom Verkaufermarkt hin zu einem Kaufermarkt. In der Stahlindustrie vollzog sich...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1996 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 1,0, Universitat Paderborn (Unbekannt), Sprache: Deutsch,...