"Electrical Conductive Adhesives with Nanotechnologies" begins with an overview of electronic packaging and discusses the various adhesives options currently available, including lead-free solder and ECAs (Electrically Conductive Adhesives). The material presented focuses on the three ECA categories specifically, Isotropically Conductive Adhesives (ICAs) Anisotropically Conductive Adhesives/Films (ACA/ACF) and Nonconductive Adhesives/Films (NCA/NCF). Discussing the advantages and limitations of each technique, and how each technique is currently applied. Lastly, a detailed presentation of...
"Electrical Conductive Adhesives with Nanotechnologies" begins with an overview of electronic packaging and discusses the various adhesives options...
Significant progress has been made in advanced packaging in recent years. Several new packaging techniques have been developed and new packaging materials have been introduced. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent developments in this industry, particularly in the areas of microelectronics, optoelectronics, digital health, and bio-medical applications. This book discusses established techniques, as well as emerging technologies, in order to provide readers with the most up-to-date developments in advanced packaging.
Significant progress has been made in advanced packaging in recent years. Several new packaging techniques have been developed and new packaging ma...