Aviation is an important global business and a signi?cant driver of the global economy. Itisvital, therefore, thatstringentmeasuresaretakentocounteractsof unlawfulinterferencewithcivilaviation. TheConventiononInternationalCivil AviationsignedatChicagoon7December1944, statesinitsPreamblethatwhereas thedevelopmentofcivilaviationmayhelppreservefriendshipandunderstanding amongthepeopleoftheworld, yet, itsabusecouldbecomeathreattogeneral security. Thegenealogyoftheterm Terrorism liesinLatinterminologymeaning to causetotremble (terrere). Sincethecatastrophiceventsof11September2001, we have seen...
Aviation is an important global business and a signi?cant driver of the global economy. Itisvital, therefore, thatstringentmeasuresaretakentocounterac...
Against the variegated background of bewilderment and cautious optimism that space transportation offers, this book begins with an expose on international politics, the principles of which, bear upon space transportation, as well as the closeness of air space and outer space, and activities that straddle both frontiers at the same time. It discusses current issues and possibilities of communications and transportation in outer space, as well as the liabilities and accountability of the key players of space exploration.
Against the variegated background of bewilderment and cautious optimism that space transportation offers, this book begins with an expose on internati...
There are broadly four strategic issues in aviation: safety; security; environmental protection; and sustainability in air transport. These issues will remain for a long time as key considerations in the safe, regular, efficient and economic development of air transport. Within these four broad categories come numerous subjects that require attention of the aviation industry as well as the States. In six chapters, this book engages in detailed discussions on these subjects as they unravelled in events of recent years. The issue of safety is addressed first, following an introduction of the...
There are broadly four strategic issues in aviation: safety; security; environmental protection; and sustainability in air transport. These issues ...
The aviation community, in which the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) play leading roles, is hard at work in bringing aviation into the 21st Century. In doing so, the United States and Europe have taken proactive steps forward in introducing modernization, particularly in moving towards more efficient air traffic management systems within NextGen and SESAR. Elsewhere, in the fields of personnel licensing, rules of the air, accident investigation and aeronautical...
The aviation community, in which the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Civi...
Suitable for economists and lawyers alike who deal with air transport issues, and also for academics and students in the area of transportation as well as regulators and airlines, this title offers an analysis of the interaction of economics and law relating to air transport, delving into the major issues that plague the industry.
Suitable for economists and lawyers alike who deal with air transport issues, and also for academics and students in the area of transportation as wel...