Food insecurity is a central concern and a fundamental challenge for human welfare and economic growth in Africa. Low agricultural production, results in low incomes, poor nutrition, vulnerability to risks and lack of empowerment. Land degradation and soil fertility depletion are considered the major threats to food security and natural resource conservation in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Investments in technology, policy and institutional reforms are needed to increase agricultural productivity to ensure food security and sustained national economies. Past research has generated numerous...
Food insecurity is a central concern and a fundamental challenge for human welfare and economic growth in Africa. Low agricultural production, resu...
Africa can achieve self sufficiency in food production through adoption of innovations in the agriculture sector. Numerous soil fertility and crop production technologies have been generated through research, however, wide adoption has been low. African farmers need better technologies, more sustainable practices, and fertilizers to improve and sustain their crop productivity and to prevent further degradation of agricultural lands. The agricultural sector also needs to be supported by functional institutions and policies that will be able to respond to emerging challenges of globalization...
Africa can achieve self sufficiency in food production through adoption of innovations in the agriculture sector. Numerous soil fertility and crop ...
This book synthesizes a broad swathe of current research work on legumes, and draws attention to the importance of legumes in both integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) and the alleviation of poverty in sub Saharan Africa (SSA).
This book synthesizes a broad swathe of current research work on legumes, and draws attention to the importance of legumes in both integrated soil fer...
Les coAts A(c)levA(c)s et le difficile accA]s aux engrais limitent les rendements des cultures et la production agricole en particulier chez les petits producteurs A faibles revenus. Les cultures lA(c)gumineuses fixatrices d'azote sont des alternatives pour amA(c)liorer la nutrition azotA(c)e et la fertilitA(c) des sols. Deux lA(c)gumineuses (l'arachide et le niA(c)bA(c)) couramment cultivA(c)es par les producteurs peuvent fixer jusqu'A 56 kg/ha d'azote dans l'atmosphA]re, une source d'azote partiellement recyclable dans le sol par les rA(c)sidus de cultures. La fixation symbiotique de...
Les coAts A(c)levA(c)s et le difficile accA]s aux engrais limitent les rendements des cultures et la production agricole en particulier chez les petit...
This book elucidates the importance of long-term experiments in revealing evidence of soil fertility decline in Africa. An evaluation of experiences from on-going long-term experiments is given in broad detail. The first chapter explains the paradigm shift in soil fertility management then provides justification for long-term experiments before illuminating experiences from long-term experiments in East, West and Southern Africa. The second, sixth, eighth and ninth chapters give an in-depth account of crop management practices and soil fertility interventions in long-term trials within...
This book elucidates the importance of long-term experiments in revealing evidence of soil fertility decline in Africa. An evaluation of experiences f...
Legumes play an important role in the cropping systems of sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Legumes are an important source of nutrition to both humans and livestock by providing the much needed protein, minerals, fibre and vitamins. The sale of legumes seed, leaves and fibre generates income for the marginalized communities especially women. Cultivation of legumes is essential for the regeneration of nutrient-deficient soils. By biologically fixing nitrogen (BNF) in the soil, legumes provide a relatively low-cost method of replacing otherwise expensive inorganic nitrogen in the soil. This enhances...
Legumes play an important role in the cropping systems of sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Legumes are an important source of nutrition to both humans and li...