Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystem » książka
1. Soil Organic Carbon and Proper Fertilizer Recommendation
2. Nutrient Management in Livestock Systems in West Africa Sahel with Emphasis On Feed and Grazing Management
3. Managing Fertilizer Recommendations in Rice-based Cropping Systems Challenges and Strategic Approaches
4. Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Agroforestry Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review
5. Effect of Hill Placement of Nutrients on Millet Productivity and Characteristics of Sahelian Soils of Niger. Analysis of Yield Trend After Three Years of Cropping
6. Diagnostic of Mineral Deficiencies and Interactions in Upland Rice Cropping Across Different Agroecologies of West Africa
7. Assessment of Soil Fertility Status and Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Ghana
8. Response of Rice, Maize and Millet to Fertilizers in Mali
9. Role of Local Agro-Minerals in Mineral Recommendations For Crops: Examples of Some Natural Phosphates from
West Africa
10. Fertilizer Recommendation for Maize and Rice Based on Participatory Subtractive Testing
11. State of Places of Fertilizer in Corn Crops, Mil / Sorgho, Niebe, Rice and Cotton in Mali
12. Fertilizer Recommendation for Maize, Sorghum, Millet, Cowpea, Soybean and Cotton in Nigeria
13. Improvement of the Agronomic Efficiency of Mineral Fertilization by Microdose Under Sorghum in the Subaridal Zone of Burkina Faso
14. Socio-economic Determinants and Trends on Fertilizer Use in West Africa
15. Economic Efficiency of Microdose Fertilization on Smallholder Farms in the Northern Sudanian Region of Burkina Faso
16. Improving Fertilizer Recommendations For Cocoa in Ghana Based On Inherent Soil Fertility Characteristics
17. A Review of Study on Fertilizer Response By the Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Nigeria
18. An Assessment of Inherent Chemical Properties of Soils for Balanced Fertilizer Recommendations for
Cocoa in Ghana
Volume 2
1. Combining the DSSAT Model and the Experiment to Update the Recommendations of Doses of Fertilizer for the Cultivation of Rice and Maize in Burkina Faso
2. Participatory Evaluation of Productivity, Fertility Management, and Dissemination of Irrigated Exotic Vegetables in the Sahel, West Africa
3. Recommendation of a New Dose of Fertilizer on Rice in the Irrigated Perimeters of the Niger River Valley
4. The Interactive Effect of Residue Quality, Quantity, Soil Texture and N Management on Maize Crop Yield in Ghana
5. Efficient Use of Water and Nutrients For Better Maize Productivity in Smallholder Farming System of Northern
6. Determination of Soil Nutrient Capacity for Updating Fertilizer Recommendations Under Soil and Water Conservation Techniques in the Zondoma Watershed of Burkina Faso
7. An Assessment of Inherent Chemical Properties of Soils for Balanced Fertilizer Recommendations for Cocoa in Ghana
8. Decision Support Sys
tem for Site-specific Fertilizer Recommendations in Cassava Production Systems in Southern Togo
9. Effects of Fractionation of Mineral Fertilizer Inputs on the Growth and Productivity of Three Varieties of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Wintering Crops
10. Fertilizer Recommendation for Maize and Cassava within the Breadbasket Zone of Ghana
11. Combined Effects of Organic and Mineral Fertilizers on the Productivity of Tomato Soils: Experimentation on the Soil of the Yantala Low Ridge
12. Maize Response To Fertilizer On Ferralsol and Luvisol In the South Sudan Zone of Burkina Faso15. Promoting climate-smart agriculture through water and nutrient interactions optionsin semi-arid West Africa: a review of evidence and empirical analysis.- 16. Role of Decision Support Tools in site-specific fertilizer recommendations and Agricultural Planning in Sub-Sahara Africa
13. Fertilizer Recommendations for Maize Production in the South Sudan and Suda
no-Guinean Zones of Benin
14. Sorghum Grain Yield Under Different Rates of Mineral and Organic Fertilizer Application in the South-Sudan Zone of Burkina Faso
15. Promoting climate-smart agriculture through water and nutrient interactions optionsin semi-arid West Africa: a review of evidence and empirical analysis
16. Role of Decision Support Tools in site-specific fertilizer recommendations and Agricultural Planning in Sub-Sahara Africa
Dr Bationo is from Burkina Faso, and holds a PhD in Soil Chemistry from Laval University (Canada). He is currently the Senior Resource Mobilization Officer, Africa at AGRA. A post he took up after serving as the West Africa Director and Senior Program Officer for the Soil Health Program. Prior to his joining AGRA, Dr. Bationo was the Coordinator of the African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) and the Deputy Director of the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute (TSBF) in Nairobi, Kenya. Before that, he was a Principal Soil Scientist seconded to ICRISAT’s Sahelian Centre by the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC). In 2009, he received the annual award from the International Fertilizer Industry Association in Shanghai for his work in soil health. He has over 300 publications to his credit and received the Principal Staff Achievement Award for the year 2004 from the CIAT board and The Highest Civilian Award from the Government of Niger for contribution to the development of soil fertility restoration technologies in the Sahel. The Doctorate Honoris Causa award was also inferred on him from the University of Sweden.
Improving fertilizer recommendations for increased return from fertilizer investments and optimized crop response to fertilizer has been a major area of investigation of IFDC. Since 2008, IFDC through its Natural Resource Management (NRM) Program has partnered with national agricultural research services to undertake research, development and extensive on-farm trials in various agroecosystems in West Africa to develop site specific fertilizer recommendations for crops. Validation trials have been conducted in many countries (Benin (maize, cassava), Burkina (rice, maize and sorghum) Ghana (maize, cocoa and cassava) and Togo (maize and cassava). However, these fertilizer recommendation data remain scattered and most of them need final statistical analysis before they can be fully utilized and/or scaled out. As part of its efforts to improve fertilizer use and efficiency in West Africa, and following the recent adoption of the West African fertilizer recommendation action plan (RAP) by ECOWAS, IFDC has taken technical lead with key partner institutions and experts to build on previous and current fertilizer recommendations for various crops and countries in West Africa for wider uptake by public policy makers and fertilizer industry actors.