Prostaglandine haben in den letzen Jahre in der Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe zunehmende Bedeutung gewonnen. In diesem Buch wird der Einsatz der Prostaglandine in der Reproduktionsmedizin dargestellt, wobei sowohl die Aspekte der Grundlagenforschung als auch die klinische Anwendung besprochen werden. Es vermittelt den derzeitigen aktuellen Wissensstand auf diesem Gebiet und ist fur jeden Gynakologen und Geburtshelfer in Praxis, Klinik und Forschung ein unerlasslicher Ratgeber fur die Anwendung dieser interessanten, aber auch mit gewissen Risiken behafteten Substanz."
Prostaglandine haben in den letzen Jahre in der Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe zunehmende Bedeutung gewonnen. In diesem Buch wird der Einsatz der Prosta...
Decision making in modem obstetrics and perinatology is con trolled by a variety of different factors, but there is little doubt that in industrialized countries one of the most powerful single factors is the concern and fear of causing permanent brain damage in the unborn and newborn. The dramatic increase in the rates of abdom inal deliveries in many parts of the world is certainly rooted to a substantial part in the bstetrician's concern not so much about possible perinatal death, but more so about permanent brain dam age in surviving children. This trend has been accelerated by the...
Decision making in modem obstetrics and perinatology is con trolled by a variety of different factors, but there is little doubt that in industrialize...
Important contributions about the treatment modalities of breast cancer are presented in this book. The risks and limitations of breast conserving therapy of mammary carcinoma are dealt with. Newest findings show that this form of therapy has the same outcome as conservative treatment modalities. The book also considers controversial issues such as the treatment of mastopathy, precancerous, and non-invasive lesions of the breast. New, but not yet approved, regimes for the prevention of mammary carcinoma and open questions concerning adequate operative treatment are discussed. Latest results...
Important contributions about the treatment modalities of breast cancer are presented in this book. The risks and limitations of breast conserving the...