The Special Court for Sierra Leone was created in 2002 to prosecute "persons who bear the greatest responsibility" for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law in Sierra Leone since 30 November 1996. It started delivering decisions in March 2003 and should complete its work by the end of 2007. The present Digest is a collection of the most relevant abstracts of decisions and orders rendered by Chambers - Trial Chambers, Appeals Chamber, President - between March 2003 and 31 December 2005. 548 public decisions have been reviewed for its preparation. The...
The Special Court for Sierra Leone was created in 2002 to prosecute "persons who bear the greatest responsibility" for serious violations of internati...
The International Criminal Court was established from the July 1, 2002, entry into force of the Rome Statute. The first decisions rendered by the Court were published in July 2004, and by the end of December 2006, the number of decisions had reached 230. The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, 2004-2006, is the first volume in a series that compiles the most significant legal findings from public decisions rendered by the International Criminal Court. In total, 230 decisions were reviewed for the preparation of the present volume, which examines the decisions issued...
The International Criminal Court was established from the July 1, 2002, entry into force of the Rome Statute. The first decisions rendered by the Cour...
Depuis l'entree en vigueur de son Statut, le 1er juillet 2002, la Cour penale internationale (CPI) a commence a travailler. Les premieres Situations (Republique Democratique du Congo, Ouganda, Republique Centrafricaine et Soudan) et affaires (Lubanga, Kony, Otti, Lukwyia, Odhiambo, Ongwen, Katanga, Ngudjolo) sont a present pendantes devant la Cour. Les premieres decisions publiques datent de juillet 2004. Plus de 250 decisions publiques ont ete rendues en date du 31 decembre 2006. Le Code annote de la Cour penale internationale (2004-2006) est le premier volume d'une collection. En...
Depuis l'entree en vigueur de son Statut, le 1er juillet 2002, la Cour penale internationale (CPI) a commence a travailler. Les premieres Situations (...
The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, 2007, is the second in a series that compiles the most significant legal findings from public decisions rendered by the International Criminal Court. The series is intended, foremost, as a tool for international criminal law practioners and academics interested in the work of the Court. This volume covers the ICC's work in 2007 and reviews a number of milestones. Selected abstracts include the confirmation of charges against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, the first arrestee in the Court's history, as well as the initiation of five new...
The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, 2007, is the second in a series that compiles the most significant legal findings fro...
Le Code annote de la Cour penale internationale (2008) est le troisieme volume d'une collection annuelle. Il propose une selection des extraits les plus pertinents des decisions publiques rendues par la Cour en 2008. 2008 marque un tournant majeur dans l'acitivite judiciaire de la Cour. 472 decisions delivrees, ou rendues publiques, en 2008 ont ete analysees au cours de la preparation du present volume, ce qui constitue une augmentation superieure a 100% par rapport au nombre de decisions rendues au cours de l'annee precedente. Ces decisions addressent certains themes majeurs tels que...
Le Code annote de la Cour penale internationale (2008) est le troisieme volume d'une collection annuelle. Il propose une selection des extraits...
The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, 2009, is the fourth in a series of volumes which compile the most significant legal findings in public decisions rendered by the ICC. This volume addresses questions considered by the ICC in 2009 including substantive issues involving the elements of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and command responsibility, as well as questions about the right to legal assistance, the legal recharacterization of charges, and the participation of victims in proceedings before the Court. Abstracts compiled in this series were...
The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, 2009, is the fourth in a series of volumes which compile the most significant legal ...
Le Code annote de la Cour penale internationale (2009) est le quatrieme volume d'une collection annuelle. Il propose une selection des extraits les plus pertinents des decisions publiques rendues par la Cour en 2009. La collection de Codes annotes est concue comme un outil de reference a l'attention des praticiens du droit penal international et des universitaires. The Code annote de la Cour penale internationale (2009) is the fourth volume of the French version of the annual series Annotated Digests. It compiles most significant findings issued by the Court in 2009. The Code...
Le Code annote de la Cour penale internationale (2009) est le quatrieme volume d'une collection annuelle. Il propose une selection des extraits ...